Package ch.bailu.gtk.gio
package ch.bailu.gtk.gio
Generated: Gio 2.0
API Reference Manual:}
Functions class:
Constants class:
Generated from: Gio-2.0.gir
Shared library:
Configured library: gio-2.0
API Reference Manual:}
Functions class:
Constants class:
Generated from: Gio-2.0.gir
Shared library:
Configured library: gio-2.0
KlasseBeschreibung`GAction` represents a single named action.This struct defines a single action.`GActionGroup` represents a group of actions.The virtual function table for [type@Gio.ActionGroup].The virtual function table for [type@Gio.Action].`GActionMap` is an interface for action containers.The virtual function table for [iface@Gio.ActionMap].Information about an installed application and methods to launch
it (with file arguments).Application Information interface, for operating system portability.`GAppInfoMonitor` monitors application information for changes.Integrating the launch with the launching application.`GApplication` is the core class for application support.Virtual function table for #GApplication.`GApplicationCommandLine` represents a command-line invocation of
an application.The #GApplicationCommandLineClass-struct
contains private data only.`GAsyncInitable` is an interface for asynchronously initializable objects.Provides an interface for asynchronous initializing object such that
initialization may fail.`GAsyncResult` provides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results.Interface definition for [iface@Gio.AsyncResult].Buffered input stream implements [class@Gio.FilterInputStream] and provides
for buffered reads.Buffered output stream implements [class@Gio.FilterOutputStream] and provides
for buffered writes.`GBytesIcon` specifies an image held in memory in a common format (usually
PNG) to be used as icon.`GCancellable` allows operations to be cancelled.`GCharsetConverter` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.Converter] based on
[struct@GLib.IConv].`GConverter` is an interface for streaming conversions.Provides an interface for converting data from one type
to another type.Converter input stream implements [class@Gio.InputStream] and allows
conversion of data of various types during reading.Converter output stream implements [class@Gio.OutputStream] and allows
conversion of data of various types during reading.The `GCredentials` type is a reference-counted wrapper for native
credentials.Interface for socket-like objects with datagram semantics.Provides an interface for socket-like objects which have datagram semantics,
following the Berkeley sockets API.Data input stream implements [class@Gio.InputStream] and includes functions
for reading structured data directly from a binary input stream.Data output stream implements [class@Gio.OutputStream] and includes functions
for writing data directly to an output stream.`GDBusActionGroup` is an implementation of the [iface@Gio.ActionGroup]
interface.Information about an annotation.Information about an argument for a method or a signal.`GDBusAuthObserver` provides a mechanism for participating
in how a [class@Gio.DBusServer] (or a [class@Gio.DBusConnection])
authenticates remote peers.The `GDBusConnection` type is used for D-Bus connections to remote
peers such as a message buses.Struct used in g_dbus_error_register_error_domain().Base type for D-Bus interfaces.Base type for D-Bus interfaces.Information about a D-Bus interface.Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side.Class structure for #GDBusInterfaceSkeleton.Virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus
interface.`GDBusMenuModel` is an implementation of [class@Gio.MenuModel] that can be
used as a proxy for a menu model that is exported over D-Bus with
[method@Gio.DBusConnection.export_menu_model].A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received
on a [class@Gio.DBusConnection].Information about a method on a D-Bus interface.Instances of the `GDBusMethodInvocation` class are used when
handling D-Bus method calls.Information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy.The `GDBusObject` type is the base type for D-Bus objects on both
the service side (see [class@Gio.DBusObjectSkeleton]) and the client side
(see [class@Gio.DBusObjectProxy]).Base object type for D-Bus objects.The `GDBusObjectManager` type is the base type for service- and
client-side implementations of the standardized
interface.`GDBusObjectManagerClient` is used to create, monitor and delete object
proxies for remote objects exported by a [class@Gio.DBusObjectManagerServer]
(or any code implementing the
interface).Class structure for #GDBusObjectManagerClient.Base type for D-Bus object managers.`GDBusObjectManagerServer` is used to export [iface@Gio.DBusObject] instances
using the standardized
interface.Class structure for #GDBusObjectManagerServer.A `GDBusObjectProxy` is an object used to represent a remote object
with one or more D-Bus interfaces.Class structure for #GDBusObjectProxy.A `GDBusObjectSkeleton` instance is essentially a group of D-Bus
interfaces.Class structure for #GDBusObjectSkeleton.Information about a D-Bus property on a D-Bus interface.`GDBusProxy` is a base class used for proxies to access a D-Bus
interface on a remote object.Class structure for #GDBusProxy.`GDBusServer` is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus
connections.Information about a signal on a D-Bus interface.Virtual table for handling subtrees registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().`GDebugController` is an interface to expose control of debugging features and
debug output.`GDebugControllerDBus` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.DebugController]
which exposes debug settings as a D-Bus object.The virtual function table for #GDebugControllerDBus.The virtual function table for #GDebugController.`GDesktopAppInfo` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.AppInfo] based on
desktop files.#GDesktopAppInfoLookup is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed
using the following functions.Interface that is used by backends to associate default
handlers with URI schemes.`GDrive` represents a piece of hardware connected to the machine.Interface for creating #GDrive implementations.`GDtlsClientConnection` is the client-side subclass of
[iface@Gio.DtlsConnection], representing a client-side DTLS connection.vtable for a #GDtlsClientConnection implementation.`GDtlsConnection` is the base DTLS connection class type, which wraps
a [iface@Gio.DatagramBased] and provides DTLS encryption on top of it.Virtual method table for a #GDtlsConnection implementation.`GDtlsServerConnection` is the server-side subclass of
[iface@Gio.DtlsConnection], representing a server-side DTLS connection.vtable for a #GDtlsServerConnection implementation.`GEmblem` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.Icon] that supports
having an emblem, which is an icon with additional properties.`GEmblemedIcon` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.Icon] that supports
adding an emblem to an icon.`GFile` is a high level abstraction for manipulating files on a
virtual file system.Information about a specific attribute.Acts as a lightweight registry for possible valid file attributes.Determines if a string matches a file attribute.`GFileDescriptorBased` is an interface for file descriptor based IO.An interface for file descriptor based io objects.`GFileEnumerator` allows you to operate on a set of [iface@Gio.File] objects,
returning a [class@Gio.FileInfo] structure for each file enumerated (e.g.`GFileIcon` specifies an icon by pointing to an image file
to be used as icon.An interface for writing VFS file handles.Stores information about a file system object referenced by a [iface@Gio.File].`GFileInputStream` provides input streams that take their
content from a file.`GFileIOStream` provides I/O streams that both read and write to the same
file handle.Monitors a file or directory for changes.Completes partial file and directory names given a partial string by
looking in the file system for clues.`GFileOutputStream` provides output streams that write their
content to a file.Base class for input stream implementations that perform some
kind of filtering operation on a base stream.Base class for output stream implementations that perform some
kind of filtering operation on a base stream.`GIcon` is a very minimal interface for icons.GIconIface is used to implement GIcon types for various
different systems.`GInetAddress` represents an IPv4 or IPv6 internet address.`GInetAddressMask` represents a range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
described by a base address and a length indicating how many bits
of the base address are relevant for matching purposes.An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address.`GInitable` is implemented by objects that can fail during
initialization.Provides an interface for initializing object such that initialization
may fail.Structure used for scatter/gather data input when receiving multiple
messages or packets in one go.`GInputStream` is a base class for implementing streaming input.Structure used for scatter/gather data input.Provides an interface and default functions for loading and unloading
modules.`GIOStream` represents an object that has both read and write streams.`GListModel` is an interface that represents a mutable list of
[class@GObject.Object].The virtual function table for #GListModel.`GListStore` is a simple implementation of [iface@Gio.ListModel] that stores
all items in memory.`GLoadableIcon` extends the [iface@Gio.Icon] interface and adds the ability
to load icons from streams.Interface for icons that can be loaded as a stream.`GMemoryInputStream` is a class for using arbitrary
memory chunks as input for GIO streaming input operations.`GMemoryMonitor` will monitor system memory and suggest to the application
when to free memory so as to leave more room for other applications.The virtual function table for #GMemoryMonitor.`GMemoryOutputStream` is a class for using arbitrary
memory chunks as output for GIO streaming output operations.`GMenu` is a simple implementation of [class@Gio.MenuModel].#GMenuAttributeIter is an opaque structure type.#GMenuItem is an opaque structure type.#GMenuLinkIter is an opaque structure type.`GMenuModel` represents the contents of a menu — an ordered list of
menu items.The `GMount` interface represents a user-visible mount, such as a mounted
file system.Interface for implementing operations for mounts.`GMountOperation` provides a mechanism for interacting with the user.A socket address of some unknown native type.`GNetworkAddress` provides an easy way to resolve a hostname and
then attempt to connect to that host, handling the possibility of
multiple IP addresses and multiple address families.`GNetworkMonitor` provides an easy-to-use cross-platform API
for monitoring network connectivity.The virtual function table for #GNetworkMonitor.Like [class@Gio.NetworkAddress] does with hostnames, `GNetworkService`
provides an easy way to resolve a SRV record, and then attempt to
connect to one of the hosts that implements that service, handling
service priority/weighting, multiple IP addresses, and multiple
address families.`GNotification` is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown
to the user — typically as a pop-up notification presented by the
desktop environment shell.Structure used for scatter/gather data output when sending multiple
messages or packets in one go.`GOutputStream` is a base class for implementing streaming output.Structure used for scatter/gather data output.A `GPermission` represents the status of the caller’s permission to
perform a certain action.`GPollableInputStream` is implemented by [class@Gio.InputStream]s that
can be polled for readiness to read.The interface for pollable input streams.`GPollableOutputStream` is implemented by [class@Gio.OutputStream]s that
can be polled for readiness to write.The interface for pollable output streams.`GPowerProfileMonitor` makes it possible for applications as well as OS
components to monitor system power profiles and act upon them.The virtual function table for #GPowerProfileMonitor.A `GPropertyAction` is a way to get a [iface@Gio.Action] with a state value
reflecting and controlling the value of a [class@GObject.Object] property.A `GProxy` handles connecting to a remote host via a given type of
proxy server.A [class@Gio.InetSocketAddress] representing a connection via a proxy server.Class structure for #GProxyAddress.`GProxyAddressEnumerator` is a wrapper around
[class@Gio.SocketAddressEnumerator] which takes the [class@Gio.SocketAddress]
instances returned by the [class@Gio.SocketAddressEnumerator]
and wraps them in [class@Gio.ProxyAddress] instances, using the given
[property@Gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator:proxy-resolver].Class structure for #GProxyAddressEnumerator.Provides an interface for handling proxy connection and payload.`GProxyResolver` provides synchronous and asynchronous network proxy
resolution.The virtual function table for #GProxyResolver.The `GRemoteActionGroup` interface is implemented by [iface@Gio.ActionGroup]
instances that either transmit action invocations to other processes
or receive action invocations in the local process from other
processes.The virtual function table for #GRemoteActionGroup.The object that handles DNS resolution.Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is
really part of the application, rather than user data.`GSeekable` is implemented by streams (implementations of
[class@Gio.InputStream] or [class@Gio.OutputStream]) that support seeking.Provides an interface for implementing seekable functionality on I/O Streams.The `GSettings` class provides a convenient API for storing and retrieving
application settings.The `GSettingsBackend` interface defines a generic interface for
non-strictly-typed data that is stored in a hierarchy.Class structure for #GSettingsBackend.The [struct@Gio.SettingsSchemaSource] and `GSettingsSchema` APIs provide a
mechanism for advanced control over the loading of schemas and a
mechanism for introspecting their content.#GSettingsSchemaKey is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed
using the following functions.This is an opaque structure type.A `GSimpleAction` is the obvious simple implementation of the
[iface@Gio.Action] interface.`GSimpleActionGroup` is a hash table filled with [iface@Gio.Action] objects,
implementing the [iface@Gio.ActionGroup] and [iface@Gio.ActionMap]
interfaces.As of GLib 2.46, `GSimpleAsyncResult` is deprecated in favor of
[class@Gio.Task], which provides a simpler API.`GSimpleIOStream` creates a [class@Gio.IOStream] from an arbitrary
[class@Gio.InputStream] and [class@Gio.OutputStream].`GSimplePermission` is a trivial implementation of [class@Gio.Permission]
that represents a permission that is either always or never allowed.`GSimpleProxyResolver` is a simple [iface@Gio.ProxyResolver] implementation
that handles a single default proxy, multiple URI-scheme-specific
proxies, and a list of hosts that proxies should not be used for.A `GSocket` is a low-level networking primitive.`GSocketAddress` is the equivalent of
[`struct sockaddr`](man:sockaddr(3type)) and its subtypes in the BSD sockets
API.`GSocketAddressEnumerator` is an enumerator type for
[class@Gio.SocketAddress] instances.Class structure for #GSocketAddressEnumerator.`GSocketClient` is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to
a network host using a connection oriented socket type.Objects that describe one or more potential socket endpoints
implement `GSocketConnectable`.Provides an interface for returning a #GSocketAddressEnumerator
and #GProxyAddressEnumerator`GSocketConnection` is a [class@Gio.IOStream] for a connected socket.A `GSocketControlMessage` is a special-purpose utility message that
can be sent to or received from a [class@Gio.Socket].Class structure for #GSocketControlMessage.A `GSocketListener` is an object that keeps track of a set
of server sockets and helps you accept sockets from any of the
socket, either sync or async.Class structure for #GSocketListener.A `GSocketService` is an object that represents a service that
is provided to the network or over local sockets.Class structure for #GSocketService.A single target host/port that a network service is running on.`GStaticResource` is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed
using the following functions.`GSubprocess` allows the creation of and interaction with child
processes.This class contains a set of options for launching child processes,
such as where its standard input and output will be directed, the
argument list, the environment, and more.A `GTask` represents and manages a cancellable ‘task’.This is the subclass of [class@Gio.SocketConnection] that is created
for TCP/IP sockets.A `GTcpWrapperConnection` can be used to wrap a [class@Gio.IOStream] that is
based on a [class@Gio.Socket], but which is not actually a
[class@Gio.SocketConnection].A helper class for testing code which uses D-Bus without touching the user’s
session bus.`GThemedIcon` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.Icon] that supports icon
themes.#GThreadedResolver is an implementation of #GResolver which calls the libc
lookup functions in threads to allow them to run asynchronously.A `GThreadedSocketService` is a simple subclass of [class@Gio.SocketService]
that handles incoming connections by creating a worker thread and
dispatching the connection to it by emitting the
[signal@Gio.ThreadedSocketService::run signal] in the new thread.TLS (Transport Layer Security, aka SSL) and DTLS backend.Provides an interface for describing TLS-related types.A certificate used for TLS authentication and encryption.`GTlsClientConnection` is the client-side subclass of
[class@Gio.TlsConnection], representing a client-side TLS connection.vtable for a #GTlsClientConnection implementation.`GTlsConnection` is the base TLS connection class type, which wraps
a [class@Gio.IOStream] and provides TLS encryption on top of it.The class structure for the #GTlsConnection type.`GTlsDatabase` is used to look up certificates and other information
from a certificate or key store.The class for #GTlsDatabase.`GTlsFileDatabase` is implemented by [class@Gio.TlsDatabase] objects which
load their certificate information from a file.Provides an interface for #GTlsFileDatabase implementations.`GTlsInteraction` provides a mechanism for the TLS connection and database
code to interact with the user.The class for #GTlsInteraction.An abstract interface representing a password used in TLS.Class structure for #GTlsPassword.`GTlsServerConnection` is the server-side subclass of
[class@Gio.TlsConnection], representing a server-side TLS connection.vtable for a #GTlsServerConnection implementation.This is the subclass of [class@Gio.SocketConnection] that is created
for UNIX domain sockets.This [class@Gio.SocketControlMessage] contains a [class@Gio.Credentials]
instance.Class structure for #GUnixCredentialsMessage.A `GUnixFDList` contains a list of file descriptors.This [class@Gio.SocketControlMessage] contains a [class@Gio.UnixFDList].`GUnixInputStream` implements [class@Gio.InputStream] for reading from a UNIX
file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.Defines a Unix mount entry (e.g.Watches for changes to the set of mount entries and mount points in the
system.Defines a Unix mount point (e.g.`GUnixOutputStream` implements [class@Gio.OutputStream] for writing to a UNIX
file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.Support for UNIX-domain (also known as local) sockets, corresponding to
`struct sockaddr_un`.Entry point for using GIO functionality.The `GVolume` interface represents user-visible objects that can be
mounted.Interface for implementing operations for mountable volumes.`GVolumeMonitor` is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes
on the computer.`GZlibCompressor` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.Converter] that
compresses data using zlib.`GZlibDecompressor` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.Converter] that
decompresses data compressed with zlib.