Package ch.bailu.gtk.pango
package ch.bailu.gtk.pango
Generated: Pango 1.0
API Reference Manual:}
Functions class:
Constants class:
Generated from: Pango-1.0.gir
Shared library:
Configured library: pango-1.0
API Reference Manual:}
Functions class:
Constants class:
Generated from: Pango-1.0.gir
Shared library:
Configured library: pango-1.0
KlasseBeschreibungThe `PangoAnalysis` structure stores information about
the properties of a segment of text.The `PangoAttrClass` structure stores the type and operations for
a particular type of attribute.The `PangoAttrColor` structure is used to represent attributes that
are colors.The `PangoAttrFloat` structure is used to represent attributes with
a float or double value.The `PangoAttrFontDesc` structure is used to store an attribute that
sets all aspects of the font description at once.The `PangoAttrFontFeatures` structure is used to represent OpenType
font features as an attribute.The `PangoAttribute` structure represents the common portions of all
attributes.The `PangoAttrInt` structure is used to represent attributes with
an integer or enumeration value.A `PangoAttrIterator` is used to iterate through a `PangoAttrList`.The `PangoAttrLanguage` structure is used to represent attributes that
are languages.A `PangoAttrList` represents a list of attributes that apply to a section
of text.The `PangoAttrShape` structure is used to represent attributes which
impose shape restrictions.The `PangoAttrSize` structure is used to represent attributes which
set font size.The `PangoAttrString` structure is used to represent attributes with
a string value.The `PangoColor` structure is used to
represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB color-space.A `PangoContext` stores global information used to control the
itemization process.A `PangoCoverage` structure is a map from Unicode characters
to [enum@Pango.CoverageLevel] values.A `PangoFont` is used to represent a font in a
rendering-system-independent manner.A `PangoFontDescription` describes a font in an implementation-independent
manner.A `PangoFontFace` is used to represent a group of fonts with
the same family, slant, weight, and width, but varying sizes.A `PangoFontFamily` is used to represent a family of related
font faces.A `PangoFontMap` represents the set of fonts available for a
particular rendering system.The `PangoFontMapClass` structure holds the virtual functions for
a particular `PangoFontMap` implementation.A `PangoFontMetrics` structure holds the overall metric information
for a font.A `PangoFontset` represents a set of `PangoFont` to use when rendering text.The `PangoFontsetClass` structure holds the virtual functions for
a particular `PangoFontset` implementation.`PangoFontsetSimple` is a implementation of the abstract
`PangoFontset` base class as an array of fonts.The `PangoGlyphGeometry` structure contains width and positioning
information for a single glyph.A `PangoGlyphInfo` structure represents a single glyph with
positioning information and visual attributes.A `PangoGlyphItem` is a pair of a `PangoItem` and the glyphs
resulting from shaping the items text.A `PangoGlyphItemIter` is an iterator over the clusters in a
`PangoGlyphItem`.A `PangoGlyphString` is used to store strings of glyphs with geometry
and visual attribute information.A `PangoGlyphVisAttr` structure communicates information between
the shaping and rendering phases.The `PangoItem` structure stores information about a segment of text.The `PangoLanguage` structure is used to
represent a language.A `PangoLayout` structure represents an entire paragraph of text.A `PangoLayoutIter` can be used to iterate over the visual
extents of a `PangoLayout`.A `PangoLayoutLine` represents one of the lines resulting from laying
out a paragraph via `PangoLayout`.The `PangoLogAttr` structure stores information about the attributes of a
single character.A `PangoMatrix` specifies a transformation between user-space
and device coordinates.The `PangoRectangle` structure represents a rectangle.`PangoRenderer` is a base class for objects that can render text
provided as `PangoGlyphString` or `PangoLayout`.Class structure for `PangoRenderer`.A `PangoScriptIter` is used to iterate through a string
and identify ranges in different scripts.A `PangoTabArray` contains an array of tab stops.