Package ch.bailu.gtk.glib
package ch.bailu.gtk.glib
Generated: GLib 2.0
API Reference Manual:}
Functions class:
Constants class:
Generated from: GLib-2.0.gir
Shared library:,
Configured library: glib-2.0
API Reference Manual:}
Functions class:
Constants class:
Generated from: GLib-2.0.gir
Shared library:,
Configured library: glib-2.0
KlasseBeschreibungContains the public fields of a GArray.`GBookmarkFile` lets you parse, edit or create files containing bookmarks.Contains the public fields of a GByteArray.A simple reference counted data type representing an immutable sequence of
zero or more bytes from an unspecified origin.GLib provides a generic API for computing checksums (or ‘digests’)
for a sequence of arbitrary bytes, using various hashing algorithms
like MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256.`GCompletion` provides support for automatic completion of a string
using any group of target strings.The #GCond struct is an opaque data structure that represents a
condition.`GDate` is a struct for calendrical calculations.`GDateTime` is a structure that combines a Gregorian date and time
into a single structure.Associates a string with a bit flag.An opaque structure representing an opened directory.The #GFloatIEEE754 and #GDoubleIEEE754 unions are used to access the sign,
mantissa and exponent of IEEE floats and doubles.The `GError` structure contains information about
an error that has occurred.The #GFloatIEEE754 and #GDoubleIEEE754 unions are used to access the sign,
mantissa and exponent of IEEE floats and doubles.A `GString` is an object that handles the memory management of a C string.The #GHashTable struct is an opaque data structure to represent a
[Hash Table](data-structures.html#hash-tables).A GHashTableIter structure represents an iterator that can be used
to iterate over the elements of a #GHashTable.HMACs should be used when producing a cookie or hash based on data
and a key.The #GHook struct represents a single hook function in a #GHookList.The #GHookList struct represents a list of hook functions.The `GIOChannel` data type aims to provide a portable method for
using file descriptors, pipes, and sockets, and integrating them
into the main event loop (see [struct@GLib.MainContext]).A table of functions used to handle different types of #GIOChannel
in a generic way.`GKeyFile` parses .ini-like config files.The #GList struct is used for each element in a doubly-linked list.Structure representing a single field in a structured log entry.The `GMainContext` struct is an opaque data
type representing a set of sources to be handled in a main loop.The `GMainLoop` struct is an opaque data type
representing the main event loop of a GLib or GTK application.The #GMappedFile represents a file mapping created with
g_mapped_file_new().A parse context is used to parse a stream of bytes that
you expect to contain marked-up text.Any of the fields in #GMarkupParser can be %NULL, in which case they
will be ignored.A GMatchInfo is an opaque struct used to return information about
matches.A set of functions used to perform memory allocation.The #GMutex struct is an opaque data structure to represent a mutex
(mutual exclusion).The #GNode struct represents one node in a [n-ary tree](data-structures.html#n-ary-trees).A #GOnce struct controls a one-time initialization function.- %G_OPTION_ARG_NONE: %gboolean
- %G_OPTION_ARG_INT: %gint
- %G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE: %gdouble
the location will contain a newly allocated string if the option
was given.A `GOptionGroup` struct defines the options in a single
group.`GPathBuf` is a helper type that allows you to easily build paths from
individual elements, using the platform specific conventions for path
separators.A `GPatternSpec` struct is the ‘compiled’ form of a glob-style pattern.Represents a file descriptor, which events to poll for, and which events
occurred.The #GPrivate struct is an opaque data structure to represent a
thread-local data key.Contains the public fields of a pointer array.Contains the public fields of a
[Queue](data-structures.html#double-ended-queues).The GRand struct is an opaque data structure.The GRecMutex struct is an opaque data structure to represent a
recursive mutex.A `GRegex` is the "compiled" form of a regular expression pattern.The GRWLock struct is an opaque data structure to represent a
reader-writer lock.`GScanner` provides a general-purpose lexical scanner.Specifies the #GScanner parser configuration.The #GSList struct is used for each element in the singly-linked
list.The `GSource` struct is an opaque data type
representing an event source.The `GSourceCallbackFuncs` struct contains
functions for managing callback objects.The `GSourceFuncs` struct contains a table of
functions used to handle event sources in a generic manner.A #GStaticMutex works like a #GMutex.A #GStaticPrivate works almost like a #GPrivate, but it has one
significant advantage.A #GStaticRecMutex works like a #GStaticMutex, but it can be locked
multiple times by one thread.The #GStaticRWLock struct represents a read-write lock.`GStrvBuilder` is a helper object to build a %NULL-terminated string arrays.The #GThread struct represents a running thread.This function table is no longer used by g_thread_init()
to initialize the thread system.The `GThreadPool` struct represents a thread pool.Represents a precise time, with seconds and microseconds.A `GTimeZone` represents a time zone, at no particular point in time.A union holding the value of the token.A `GTrashStack` is an efficient way to keep a stack of unused allocated
memory chunks.The GTree struct is an opaque data structure representing a
[balanced binary tree](data-structures.html#binary-trees).The #GTuples struct is used to return records (or tuples) from the
#GRelation by g_relation_select().A Unix pipe.The `GUri` type and related functions can be used to parse URIs into
their components, and build valid URIs from individual components.Many URI schemes include one or more attribute/value pairs as part of the URI
value.`GVariant` is a variant datatype; it can contain one or more values
along with information about the type of the values.A utility type for constructing container-type #GVariant instances.#GVariantDict is a mutable interface to #GVariant dictionaries.#GVariantIter is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed
using the following functions.A type in the [type@GLib.Variant] type system.