Package ch.bailu.gtk.glib
Klasse OptionGroup
- Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
A `GOptionGroup` struct defines the options in a single
group. The struct has only private fields and should not be directly accessed.
All options in a group share the same translation function. Libraries which
need to parse commandline options are expected to provide a function for
getting a `GOptionGroup` holding their options, which
the application can then add to its #GOptionContext.
group. The struct has only private fields and should not be directly accessed.
All options in a group share the same translation function. Libraries which
need to parse commandline options are expected to provide a function for
getting a `GOptionGroup` holding their options, which
the application can then add to its #GOptionContext.
Verschachtelte Klassen - Übersicht
Verschachtelte KlassenModifizierer und TypKlasseBeschreibungstatic interface
static interface
static interface
static interface
(PointerContainer pointer) OptionGroup
(Str name, Str description, Str help_description, Pointer user_data, OptionGroup.OnDestroyNotify destroy) Creates a new #GOptionGroup.OptionGroup
(String name, String description, String help_description, Pointer user_data, OptionGroup.OnDestroyNotify destroy) Creates a new #GOptionGroup. -
Modifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungvoid
Veraltet.static ClassHandler
static int
static long
static TypeSystem.TypeSize
static long
static TypeSystem.TypeSize
Increments the reference count of @group by one.void
(OptionGroup.OnOptionErrorFunc error_func) Associates a function with @group which will be called
from g_option_context_parse() when an error occurs.void
(OptionGroup.OnOptionParseFunc pre_parse_func, OptionGroup.OnOptionParseFunc post_parse_func) Associates two functions with @group which will be called
from g_option_context_parse() before the first option is parsed
and after the last option has been parsed, respectively.void
(OptionGroup.OnTranslateFunc func, Pointer data, OptionGroup.OnDestroyNotify destroy_notify) Sets the function which is used to translate user-visible strings,
for `--help` output.void
(Str domain) A convenience function to use gettext() for translating
user-visible strings.void
(String domain) A convenience function to use gettext() for translating
user-visible strings.void
Decrements the reference count of @group by one.Von Klasse geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.Pointer
asCPointer, cast, connectSignal, disconnectSignals, disconnectSignals, equals, hashCode, throwIfNull, throwNullPointerException, toString, unregisterCallbacks, unregisterCallbacks
Von Klasse geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.Type
asCPointer, asCPointer, asCPointerNotNull, asJnaPointer, asJnaPointer, asPointer, asPointer, cast, cast, throwIfNull
Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.PointerInterface
asCPointerNotNull, asJnaPointer, asPointer, isNotNull, isNull
public OptionGroup(@Nonnull Str name, @Nonnull Str description, @Nonnull Str help_description, @Nullable Pointer user_data, OptionGroup.OnDestroyNotify destroy) Creates a new #GOptionGroup.
@description is typically used to provide a title for the group. If so, it
is recommended that it’s written in title case, and has a trailing colon so
that it matches the style of built-in GLib group titles such as
‘Application Options:’.- Parameter:
- the name for the option group, this is used to provide help for the options in this group with `--help-`@namedescription
- a description for this group to be shown in `--help`. This string is translated using the translation domain or translation function of the grouphelp_description
- a description for the `--help-`@name option. This string is translated using the translation domain or translation function of the groupuser_data
- user data that will be passed to the pre- and post-parse hooks, the error hook and to callbacks of %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK options, or %NULLdestroy
- a function that will be called to free @user_data, or %NULL
public OptionGroup(String name, String description, String help_description, @Nullable Pointer user_data, OptionGroup.OnDestroyNotify destroy) Creates a new #GOptionGroup.
@description is typically used to provide a title for the group. If so, it
is recommended that it’s written in title case, and has a trailing colon so
that it matches the style of built-in GLib group titles such as
‘Application Options:’.- Parameter:
- the name for the option group, this is used to provide help for the options in this group with `--help-`@namedescription
- a description for this group to be shown in `--help`. This string is translated using the translation domain or translation function of the grouphelp_description
- a description for the `--help-`@name option. This string is translated using the translation domain or translation function of the groupuser_data
- user data that will be passed to the pre- and post-parse hooks, the error hook and to callbacks of %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK options, or %NULLdestroy
- a function that will be called to free @user_data, or %NULL
Veraltet.Frees a #GOptionGroup. Note that you must not free groups
which have been added to a #GOptionContext. -
Increments the reference count of @group by one.- Gibt zurück:
- a #GOptionGroup
Associates a function with @group which will be called
from g_option_context_parse() when an error occurs.
Note that the user data to be passed to @error_func can be
specified when constructing the group with g_option_group_new().- Parameter:
- a function to call when an error occurs
public void setParseHooks(OptionGroup.OnOptionParseFunc pre_parse_func, OptionGroup.OnOptionParseFunc post_parse_func) Associates two functions with @group which will be called
from g_option_context_parse() before the first option is parsed
and after the last option has been parsed, respectively.
Note that the user data to be passed to @pre_parse_func and
@post_parse_func can be specified when constructing the group
with g_option_group_new().- Parameter:
- a function to call before parsing, or %NULLpost_parse_func
- a function to call after parsing, or %NULL
public void setTranslateFunc(OptionGroup.OnTranslateFunc func, @Nullable Pointer data, OptionGroup.OnDestroyNotify destroy_notify) Sets the function which is used to translate user-visible strings,
for `--help` output. Different groups can use different
#GTranslateFuncs. If @func is %NULL, strings are not translated.
If you are using gettext(), you only need to set the translation
domain, see g_option_group_set_translation_domain().- Parameter:
- the #GTranslateFunc, or %NULLdata
- user data to pass to @func, or %NULLdestroy_notify
- a function which gets called to free @data, or %NULL
A convenience function to use gettext() for translating
user-visible strings.- Parameter:
- the domain to use
A convenience function to use gettext() for translating
user-visible strings.- Parameter:
- the domain to use
public void unref()Decrements the reference count of @group by one.
If the reference count drops to 0, the @group will be freed.
and all memory allocated by the @group is released. -
public static long getTypeID() -
public static long getParentTypeID() -
public static int getInstanceSize()