Klasse Resolver

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Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:

public class Resolver extends PropertyHolder
The object that handles DNS resolution. Use [func@Gio.Resolver.get_default]
to get the default resolver.

`GResolver` provides cancellable synchronous and asynchronous DNS
resolution, for hostnames ([method@Gio.Resolver.lookup_by_address],
[method@Gio.Resolver.lookup_by_name] and their async variants) and SRV
(service) records ([method@Gio.Resolver.lookup_service]).

[class@Gio.NetworkAddress] and [class@Gio.NetworkService] provide wrappers
around `GResolver` functionality that also implement
[iface@Gio.SocketConnectable], making it easy to connect to a remote

The default resolver (see [func@Gio.Resolver.get_default]) has a timeout of
30s set on it since GLib 2.78. Earlier versions of GLib did not support
resolver timeouts.

This is an abstract type; subclasses of it implement different resolvers for
different platforms and situations.


  • Felddetails

  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • lookupByAddress

      public Str lookupByAddress(@Nonnull InetAddress address, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously reverse-resolves @address to determine its
      associated hostname.

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      address - the address to reverse-resolve
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a hostname (either ASCII-only, or in ASCII-encoded form), or %NULL on error.
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByAddressAsync

      public void lookupByAddressAsync(@Nonnull InetAddress address, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously reverse-resolving @address to determine its
      associated hostname, and eventually calls @callback, which must
      call g_resolver_lookup_by_address_finish() to get the final result.
      address - the address to reverse-resolve
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupByAddressFinish

      public Str lookupByAddressFinish(@Nonnull AsyncResult result) throws AllocationError
      Retrieves the result of a previous call to

      If the DNS resolution failed, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError. If the operation was cancelled,
      @error will be set to %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED.
      result - the result passed to your #GAsyncReadyCallback
      Gibt zurück:
      a hostname (either ASCII-only, or in ASCII-encoded form), or %NULL on error.
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByName

      public List lookupByName(@Nonnull Str hostname, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously resolves @hostname to determine its associated IP
      address(es). @hostname may be an ASCII-only or UTF-8 hostname, or
      the textual form of an IP address (in which case this just becomes
      a wrapper around g_inet_address_new_from_string()).

      On success, g_resolver_lookup_by_name() will return a non-empty #GList of
      #GInetAddress, sorted in order of preference and guaranteed to not
      contain duplicates. That is, if using the result to connect to
      @hostname, you should attempt to connect to the first address
      first, then the second if the first fails, etc. If you are using
      the result to listen on a socket, it is appropriate to add each
      result using e.g. g_socket_listener_add_address().

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to a
      value from #GResolverError and %NULL will be returned.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to

      If you are planning to connect to a socket on the resolved IP
      address, it may be easier to create a #GNetworkAddress and use its
      #GSocketConnectable interface.
      hostname - the hostname to look up
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GInetAddress, or %NULL on error. You must unref each of the addresses and free the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_resolver_free_addresses() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByName

      public List lookupByName(String hostname, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously resolves @hostname to determine its associated IP
      address(es). @hostname may be an ASCII-only or UTF-8 hostname, or
      the textual form of an IP address (in which case this just becomes
      a wrapper around g_inet_address_new_from_string()).

      On success, g_resolver_lookup_by_name() will return a non-empty #GList of
      #GInetAddress, sorted in order of preference and guaranteed to not
      contain duplicates. That is, if using the result to connect to
      @hostname, you should attempt to connect to the first address
      first, then the second if the first fails, etc. If you are using
      the result to listen on a socket, it is appropriate to add each
      result using e.g. g_socket_listener_add_address().

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to a
      value from #GResolverError and %NULL will be returned.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to

      If you are planning to connect to a socket on the resolved IP
      address, it may be easier to create a #GNetworkAddress and use its
      #GSocketConnectable interface.
      hostname - the hostname to look up
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GInetAddress, or %NULL on error. You must unref each of the addresses and free the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_resolver_free_addresses() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByNameAsync

      public void lookupByNameAsync(@Nonnull Str hostname, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously resolving @hostname to determine its
      associated IP address(es), and eventually calls @callback, which
      must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_finish() to get the result.
      See g_resolver_lookup_by_name() for more details.
      hostname - the hostname to look up the address of
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupByNameAsync

      public void lookupByNameAsync(String hostname, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously resolving @hostname to determine its
      associated IP address(es), and eventually calls @callback, which
      must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_finish() to get the result.
      See g_resolver_lookup_by_name() for more details.
      hostname - the hostname to look up the address of
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupByNameFinish

      public List lookupByNameFinish(@Nonnull AsyncResult result) throws AllocationError
      Retrieves the result of a call to

      If the DNS resolution failed, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError. If the operation was cancelled,
      @error will be set to %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED.
      result - the result passed to your #GAsyncReadyCallback
      Gibt zurück:
      a #GList of #GInetAddress, or %NULL on error. See g_resolver_lookup_by_name() for more details.
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByNameWithFlags

      public List lookupByNameWithFlags(@Nonnull Str hostname, int flags, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      This differs from g_resolver_lookup_by_name() in that you can modify
      the lookup behavior with @flags. For example this can be used to limit
      hostname - the hostname to look up
      flags - extra #GResolverNameLookupFlags for the lookup
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GInetAddress, or %NULL on error. You must unref each of the addresses and free the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_resolver_free_addresses() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByNameWithFlags

      public List lookupByNameWithFlags(String hostname, int flags, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      This differs from g_resolver_lookup_by_name() in that you can modify
      the lookup behavior with @flags. For example this can be used to limit
      hostname - the hostname to look up
      flags - extra #GResolverNameLookupFlags for the lookup
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GInetAddress, or %NULL on error. You must unref each of the addresses and free the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_resolver_free_addresses() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupByNameWithFlagsAsync

      public void lookupByNameWithFlagsAsync(@Nonnull Str hostname, int flags, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously resolving @hostname to determine its
      associated IP address(es), and eventually calls @callback, which
      must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_with_flags_finish() to get the result.
      See g_resolver_lookup_by_name() for more details.
      hostname - the hostname to look up the address of
      flags - extra #GResolverNameLookupFlags for the lookup
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupByNameWithFlagsAsync

      public void lookupByNameWithFlagsAsync(String hostname, int flags, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously resolving @hostname to determine its
      associated IP address(es), and eventually calls @callback, which
      must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_with_flags_finish() to get the result.
      See g_resolver_lookup_by_name() for more details.
      hostname - the hostname to look up the address of
      flags - extra #GResolverNameLookupFlags for the lookup
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupByNameWithFlagsFinish

      public List lookupByNameWithFlagsFinish(@Nonnull AsyncResult result) throws AllocationError
      Retrieves the result of a call to

      If the DNS resolution failed, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError. If the operation was cancelled,
      @error will be set to %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED.
      result - the result passed to your #GAsyncReadyCallback
      Gibt zurück:
      a #GList of #GInetAddress, or %NULL on error. See g_resolver_lookup_by_name() for more details.
      Löst aus:
    • lookupRecords

      public List lookupRecords(@Nonnull Str rrname, int record_type, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously performs a DNS record lookup for the given @rrname and returns
      a list of records as #GVariant tuples. See #GResolverRecordType for
      information on what the records contain for each @record_type.

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError and %NULL will be returned.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      rrname - the DNS name to look up the record for
      record_type - the type of DNS record to look up
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GVariant, or %NULL on error. You must free each of the records and the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_list_free_full() with g_variant_unref() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupRecords

      public List lookupRecords(String rrname, int record_type, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously performs a DNS record lookup for the given @rrname and returns
      a list of records as #GVariant tuples. See #GResolverRecordType for
      information on what the records contain for each @record_type.

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError and %NULL will be returned.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      rrname - the DNS name to look up the record for
      record_type - the type of DNS record to look up
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GVariant, or %NULL on error. You must free each of the records and the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_list_free_full() with g_variant_unref() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupRecordsAsync

      public void lookupRecordsAsync(@Nonnull Str rrname, int record_type, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously performing a DNS lookup for the given
      @rrname, and eventually calls @callback, which must call
      g_resolver_lookup_records_finish() to get the final result. See
      g_resolver_lookup_records() for more details.
      rrname - the DNS name to look up the record for
      record_type - the type of DNS record to look up
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupRecordsAsync

      public void lookupRecordsAsync(String rrname, int record_type, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously performing a DNS lookup for the given
      @rrname, and eventually calls @callback, which must call
      g_resolver_lookup_records_finish() to get the final result. See
      g_resolver_lookup_records() for more details.
      rrname - the DNS name to look up the record for
      record_type - the type of DNS record to look up
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupRecordsFinish

      public List lookupRecordsFinish(@Nonnull AsyncResult result) throws AllocationError
      Retrieves the result of a previous call to
      g_resolver_lookup_records_async(). Returns a non-empty list of records as
      #GVariant tuples. See #GResolverRecordType for information on what the
      records contain.

      If the DNS resolution failed, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError. If the operation was cancelled,
      @error will be set to %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED.
      result - the result passed to your #GAsyncReadyCallback
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GVariant, or %NULL on error. You must free each of the records and the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_list_free_full() with g_variant_unref() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupService

      public List lookupService(@Nonnull Str service, @Nonnull Str protocol, @Nonnull Str domain, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously performs a DNS SRV lookup for the given @service and
      @protocol in the given @domain and returns an array of #GSrvTarget.
      @domain may be an ASCII-only or UTF-8 hostname. Note also that the
      @service and @protocol arguments do not include the leading underscore
      that appears in the actual DNS entry.

      On success, g_resolver_lookup_service() will return a non-empty #GList of
      #GSrvTarget, sorted in order of preference. (That is, you should
      attempt to connect to the first target first, then the second if
      the first fails, etc.)

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError and %NULL will be returned.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to

      If you are planning to connect to the service, it is usually easier
      to create a #GNetworkService and use its #GSocketConnectable
      service - the service type to look up (eg, "ldap")
      protocol - the networking protocol to use for @service (eg, "tcp")
      domain - the DNS domain to look up the service in
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GSrvTarget, or %NULL on error. You must free each of the targets and the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_resolver_free_targets() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupService

      public List lookupService(String service, String protocol, String domain, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable) throws AllocationError
      Synchronously performs a DNS SRV lookup for the given @service and
      @protocol in the given @domain and returns an array of #GSrvTarget.
      @domain may be an ASCII-only or UTF-8 hostname. Note also that the
      @service and @protocol arguments do not include the leading underscore
      that appears in the actual DNS entry.

      On success, g_resolver_lookup_service() will return a non-empty #GList of
      #GSrvTarget, sorted in order of preference. (That is, you should
      attempt to connect to the first target first, then the second if
      the first fails, etc.)

      If the DNS resolution fails, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError and %NULL will be returned.

      If @cancellable is non-%NULL, it can be used to cancel the
      operation, in which case @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to

      If you are planning to connect to the service, it is usually easier
      to create a #GNetworkService and use its #GSocketConnectable
      service - the service type to look up (eg, "ldap")
      protocol - the networking protocol to use for @service (eg, "tcp")
      domain - the DNS domain to look up the service in
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GSrvTarget, or %NULL on error. You must free each of the targets and the list when you are done with it. (You can use g_resolver_free_targets() to do this.)
      Löst aus:
    • lookupServiceAsync

      public void lookupServiceAsync(@Nonnull Str service, @Nonnull Str protocol, @Nonnull Str domain, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously performing a DNS SRV lookup for the given
      @service and @protocol in the given @domain, and eventually calls
      @callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_service_finish() to
      get the final result. See g_resolver_lookup_service() for more
      service - the service type to look up (eg, "ldap")
      protocol - the networking protocol to use for @service (eg, "tcp")
      domain - the DNS domain to look up the service in
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupServiceAsync

      public void lookupServiceAsync(String service, String protocol, String domain, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable, Resolver.OnAsyncReadyCallback callback, @Nullable Pointer user_data)
      Begins asynchronously performing a DNS SRV lookup for the given
      @service and @protocol in the given @domain, and eventually calls
      @callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_service_finish() to
      get the final result. See g_resolver_lookup_service() for more
      service - the service type to look up (eg, "ldap")
      protocol - the networking protocol to use for @service (eg, "tcp")
      domain - the DNS domain to look up the service in
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      callback - callback to call after resolution completes
      user_data - data for @callback
    • lookupServiceFinish

      public List lookupServiceFinish(@Nonnull AsyncResult result) throws AllocationError
      Retrieves the result of a previous call to

      If the DNS resolution failed, @error (if non-%NULL) will be set to
      a value from #GResolverError. If the operation was cancelled,
      @error will be set to %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED.
      result - the result passed to your #GAsyncReadyCallback
      Gibt zurück:
      a non-empty #GList of #GSrvTarget, or %NULL on error. See g_resolver_lookup_service() for more details.
      Löst aus:
    • setDefault

      public void setDefault()
      Sets @resolver to be the application's default resolver (reffing
      @resolver, and unreffing the previous default resolver, if any).
      Future calls to g_resolver_get_default() will return this resolver.

      This can be used if an application wants to perform any sort of DNS
      caching or "pinning"; it can implement its own #GResolver that
      calls the original default resolver for DNS operations, and
      implements its own cache policies on top of that, and then set
      itself as the default resolver for all later code to use.
    • onReload

      public SignalHandler onReload(Resolver.OnReload signal)
      Connect to signal "reload".
      See Resolver.OnReload.onReload() for signal description.
      Field SIGNAL_ON_RELOAD contains original signal name and can be used as resource reference.
      signal - callback function (lambda).
      Gibt zurück:
      SignalHandler. Can be used to disconnect signal and to release callback function.
    • freeAddresses

      public static void freeAddresses(@Nonnull List addresses)
      Frees @addresses (which should be the return value from
      g_resolver_lookup_by_name() or g_resolver_lookup_by_name_finish()).
      (This is a convenience method; you can also simply free the results
      by hand.)
      addresses - a #GList of #GInetAddress
    • freeTargets

      public static void freeTargets(@Nonnull List targets)
      Frees @targets (which should be the return value from
      g_resolver_lookup_service() or g_resolver_lookup_service_finish()).
      (This is a convenience method; you can also simply free the
      results by hand.)
      targets - a #GList of #GSrvTarget
    • getDefault

      public static Resolver getDefault()
      Gets the default #GResolver. You should unref it when you are done
      with it. #GResolver may use its reference count as a hint about how
      many threads it should allocate for concurrent DNS resolutions.
      Gibt zurück:
      the default #GResolver.
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()