Klasse ViewStack

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class ViewStack extends Widget
A view container for [class@ViewSwitcher].

`AdwViewStack` is a container which only shows one page at a time.
It is typically used to hold an application's main views.

It doesn't provide a way to transition between pages.
Instead, a separate widget such as [class@ViewSwitcher] can be used with
`AdwViewStack` to provide this functionality.

`AdwViewStack` pages can have a title, an icon, an attention request, and a
numbered badge that [class@ViewSwitcher] will use to let users identify which
page is which. Set them using the [property@ViewStackPage:title],
[property@ViewStackPage:needs-attention], and
[property@ViewStackPage:badge-number] properties.

Unlike [class@Gtk.Stack], transitions between views can only be animated via
a crossfade and size changes are always interpolated. Animations are disabled
by default. Use [property@ViewStack:enable-transitions] to enable them.

`AdwViewStack` maintains a [class@ViewStackPage] object for each added child,
which holds additional per-child properties. You obtain the
[class@ViewStackPage] for a child with [method@ViewStack.get_page] and you
can obtain a [iface@Gtk.SelectionModel] containing all the pages with

## AdwViewStack as GtkBuildable

To set child-specific properties in a .ui file, create
[class@ViewStackPage] objects explicitly, and set the child widget as a
property on it:

<object class="AdwViewStack" id="stack">
<object class="AdwViewStackPage">
<property name="name">overview</property>
<property name="title">Overview</property>
<property name="child">
<object class="AdwStatusPage">
<property name="title">Welcome!</property>

## CSS nodes

`AdwViewStack` has a single CSS node named `stack`.

## Accessibility

`AdwViewStack` uses the `GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_TAB_PANEL` for the stack pages
which are the accessible parent objects of the child widgets.


  • Konstruktordetails

    • ViewStack

      public ViewStack(PointerContainer pointer)
    • ViewStack

      public ViewStack()
      Creates a new `AdwViewStack`.
  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • add

      public ViewStackPage add(@Nonnull Widget child)
      Adds a child to @self.
      child - the widget to add
      Gibt zurück:
      the [class@ViewStackPage] for @child
    • addNamed

      public ViewStackPage addNamed(@Nonnull Widget child, @Nullable Str name)
      Adds a child to @self.

      The child is identified by the @name.
      child - the widget to add
      name - the name for @child
      Gibt zurück:
      the `AdwViewStackPage` for @child
    • addNamed

      public ViewStackPage addNamed(@Nonnull Widget child, String name)
      Adds a child to @self.

      The child is identified by the @name.
      child - the widget to add
      name - the name for @child
      Gibt zurück:
      the `AdwViewStackPage` for @child
    • addTitled

      public ViewStackPage addTitled(@Nonnull Widget child, @Nullable Str name, @Nonnull Str title)
      Adds a child to @self.

      The child is identified by the @name. The @title will be used by
      [class@ViewSwitcher] to represent @child, so it should be short.
      child - the widget to add
      name - the name for @child
      title - a human-readable title for @child
      Gibt zurück:
      the `AdwViewStackPage` for @child
    • addTitled

      public ViewStackPage addTitled(@Nonnull Widget child, String name, String title)
      Adds a child to @self.

      The child is identified by the @name. The @title will be used by
      [class@ViewSwitcher] to represent @child, so it should be short.
      child - the widget to add
      name - the name for @child
      title - a human-readable title for @child
      Gibt zurück:
      the `AdwViewStackPage` for @child
    • addTitledWithIcon

      public ViewStackPage addTitledWithIcon(@Nonnull Widget child, @Nullable Str name, @Nonnull Str title, @Nonnull Str icon_name)
      Adds a child to @self.

      The child is identified by the @name. The @title and @icon_name will be used
      by [class@ViewSwitcher] to represent @child.
      child - the widget to add
      name - the name for @child
      title - a human-readable title for @child
      icon_name - an icon name for @child
      Gibt zurück:
      the `AdwViewStackPage` for @child
    • addTitledWithIcon

      public ViewStackPage addTitledWithIcon(@Nonnull Widget child, String name, String title, String icon_name)
      Adds a child to @self.

      The child is identified by the @name. The @title and @icon_name will be used
      by [class@ViewSwitcher] to represent @child.
      child - the widget to add
      name - the name for @child
      title - a human-readable title for @child
      icon_name - an icon name for @child
      Gibt zurück:
      the `AdwViewStackPage` for @child
    • getChildByName

      public Widget getChildByName(@Nonnull Str name)
      Finds the child with @name in @self.
      name - the name of the child to find
      Gibt zurück:
      the requested child
    • getChildByName

      public Widget getChildByName(String name)
      Finds the child with @name in @self.
      name - the name of the child to find
      Gibt zurück:
      the requested child
    • getEnableTransitions

      public boolean getEnableTransitions()
      Gets whether @self uses a crossfade transition between pages.

      Use [property@ViewStack:transition-duration] to control the duration, and
      [property@ViewStack:transition-running] to know when the transition is
      Gibt zurück:
      whether to enable page transitions
    • getHhomogeneous

      public boolean getHhomogeneous()
      Gets whether @self is horizontally homogeneous.
      Gibt zurück:
      whether @self is horizontally homogeneous
    • getPage

      public ViewStackPage getPage(@Nonnull Widget child)
      Gets the [class@ViewStackPage] object for @child.
      child - a child of @self
      Gibt zurück:
      the page object for @child
    • getPages

      public SelectionModel getPages()
      Returns a [iface@Gio.ListModel] that contains the pages of the stack.

      This can be used to keep an up-to-date view. The model also implements
      [iface@Gtk.SelectionModel] and can be used to track and change the visible
      Gibt zurück:
      a `GtkSelectionModel` for the stack's children
    • getTransitionDuration

      public int getTransitionDuration()
      Gets the transition animation duration for @self.
      Gibt zurück:
      the transition duration, in milliseconds
    • getTransitionRunning

      public boolean getTransitionRunning()
      Gets whether a transition is currently running for @self.

      If a transition is impossible, the property value will be set to `TRUE` and
      then immediately to `FALSE`, so it's possible to rely on its notifications
      to know that a transition has happened.
      Gibt zurück:
      whether a transition is currently running
    • getVhomogeneous

      public boolean getVhomogeneous()
      Gets whether @self is vertically homogeneous.
      Gibt zurück:
      whether @self is vertically homogeneous
    • getVisibleChild

      public Widget getVisibleChild()
      Gets the currently visible child of @self.
      Gibt zurück:
      the visible child
    • getVisibleChildName

      public Str getVisibleChildName()
      Returns the name of the currently visible child of @self.
      Gibt zurück:
      the name of the visible child
    • remove

      public void remove(@Nonnull Widget child)
      Removes a child widget from @self.
      child - the child to remove
    • setEnableTransitions

      public void setEnableTransitions(boolean enable_transitions)
      Sets whether @self uses a crossfade transition between pages.
      enable_transitions - whether to enable page transitions
    • setHhomogeneous

      public void setHhomogeneous(boolean hhomogeneous)
      Sets @self to be horizontally homogeneous or not.

      If the stack is horizontally homogeneous, it allocates the same width for
      all children.

      If it's `FALSE`, the stack may change width when a different child becomes
      hhomogeneous - whether to make @self horizontally homogeneous
    • setTransitionDuration

      public void setTransitionDuration(int duration)
      Sets the transition animation duration for @self.

      Only used when [property@ViewStack:enable-transitions] is set to `TRUE`.
      duration - the new duration, in milliseconds
    • setVhomogeneous

      public void setVhomogeneous(boolean vhomogeneous)
      Sets @self to be vertically homogeneous or not.

      If the stack is vertically homogeneous, it allocates the same height for
      all children.

      If it's `FALSE`, the stack may change height when a different child becomes
      vhomogeneous - whether to make @self vertically homogeneous
    • setVisibleChild

      public void setVisibleChild(@Nonnull Widget child)
      Makes @child the visible child of @self.
      child - a child of @self
    • setVisibleChildName

      public void setVisibleChildName(@Nonnull Str name)
      Makes the child with @name visible.

      See [property@ViewStack:visible-child].
      name - the name of the child
    • setVisibleChildName

      public void setVisibleChildName(String name)
      Makes the child with @name visible.

      See [property@ViewStack:visible-child].
      name - the name of the child
    • asAccessible

      public Accessible asAccessible()
      Implements interface Accessible. Call this to get access to interface functions.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      asAccessible in Klasse Widget
      Gibt zurück:
    • asBuildable

      public Buildable asBuildable()
      Implements interface Buildable. Call this to get access to interface functions.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      asBuildable in Klasse Widget
      Gibt zurück:
    • asConstraintTarget

      public ConstraintTarget asConstraintTarget()
      Implements interface ConstraintTarget. Call this to get access to interface functions.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      asConstraintTarget in Klasse Widget
      Gibt zurück:
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()