Klasse StyleManager

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class StyleManager extends PropertyHolder
A class for managing application-wide styling.

`AdwStyleManager` provides a way to query and influence the application
styles, such as whether to use dark style, the system accent color or high
contrast appearance.

It allows to set the color scheme via the
[property@StyleManager:color-scheme] property, and to query the current
appearance, as well as whether a system-wide color scheme and accent color
preferences exists.


  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • getAccentColor

      public int getAccentColor()
      Gets the current system accent color.

      See also [property@StyleManager:accent-color-rgba].
      Gibt zurück:
      the current system accent color
    • getAccentColorRgba

      public RGBA getAccentColorRgba()
      Gets the current system accent color as a `GdkRGBA`.

      Equivalent to calling [func@AccentColor.to_rgba] on the value of

      This is a background color. The matching foreground color is white.
      Gibt zurück:
      the current system accent color
    • getColorScheme

      public int getColorScheme()
      Gets the requested application color scheme.
      Gibt zurück:
      the color scheme
    • getDark

      public boolean getDark()
      Gets whether the application is using dark appearance.

      This can be used to query the current appearance, as requested via
      Gibt zurück:
      whether the application is using dark appearance
    • getDisplay

      public Display getDisplay()
      Gets the display the style manager is associated with.

      The display will be `NULL` for the style manager returned by
      Gibt zurück:
      the display
    • getDocumentFontName

      public Str getDocumentFontName()
      Gets the system document font.

      The font is in the same format as [property@Gtk.Settings:gtk-font-name],
      e.g. "Adwaita Sans 11".

      Use [func@Pango.FontDescription.to_string] to parse it.
      Gibt zurück:
      the system document font
    • getHighContrast

      public boolean getHighContrast()
      Gets whether the application is using high contrast appearance.

      This cannot be overridden by applications.
      Gibt zurück:
      whether the application is using high contrast appearance
    • getMonospaceFontName

      public Str getMonospaceFontName()
      Gets the system monospace font.

      The font is in the same format as [property@Gtk.Settings:gtk-font-name],
      e.g. "Adwaita Mono 11".

      Use [func@Pango.FontDescription.to_string] to parse it.
      Gibt zurück:
      the system monospace font
    • getSystemSupportsAccentColors

      public boolean getSystemSupportsAccentColors()
      Gets whether the system supports accent colors.

      This can be used to check if the current environment provides an accent color
      preference. For example, applications might want to show a preference for
      choosing accent color if it's set to `FALSE`.

      See [property@StyleManager:accent-color].
      Gibt zurück:
      whether the system supports accent colors
    • getSystemSupportsColorSchemes

      public boolean getSystemSupportsColorSchemes()
      Gets whether the system supports color schemes.

      This can be used to check if the current environment provides a color scheme
      preference. For example, applications might want to show a separate
      appearance switcher if it's set to `FALSE`.
      Gibt zurück:
      whether the system supports color schemes
    • setColorScheme

      public void setColorScheme(int color_scheme)
      Sets the requested application color scheme.

      The effective appearance will be decided based on the application color
      scheme and the system preferred color scheme. The
      [property@StyleManager:dark] property can be used to query the current
      effective appearance.

      The `ADW_COLOR_SCHEME_PREFER_LIGHT` color scheme results in the application
      using light appearance unless the system prefers dark colors. This is the
      default value.

      The `ADW_COLOR_SCHEME_PREFER_DARK` color scheme results in the application
      using dark appearance, but can still switch to the light appearance if the
      system can prefers it, for example, when the high contrast preference is

      ignore the system preference entirely. They are useful if the application
      wants to match its UI to its content or to provide a separate color scheme

      If a per-[class@Gdk.Display] style manager has its color scheme set to
      `ADW_COLOR_SCHEME_DEFAULT`, it will inherit the color scheme from the
      default style manager.

      For the default style manager, `ADW_COLOR_SCHEME_DEFAULT` is equivalent to

      The [property@StyleManager:system-supports-color-schemes] property can be
      used to check if the current environment provides a color scheme
      color_scheme - the color scheme
    • getDefault

      public static StyleManager getDefault()
      Gets the default `AdwStyleManager` instance.

      It manages all [class@Gdk.Display] instances unless the style manager for
      that display has an override.

      See [func@StyleManager.get_for_display].
      Gibt zurück:
      the default style manager
    • getForDisplay

      public static StyleManager getForDisplay(@Nonnull Display display)
      Gets the `AdwStyleManager` instance managing @display.

      It can be used to override styles for that specific display instead of the
      whole application.

      Most applications should use [func@StyleManager.get_default] instead.
      display - a `GdkDisplay`
      Gibt zurück:
      the style manager for @display
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()