Class TreeViewColumn

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeViewColumn extends InitiallyUnowned
A visible column in a [class@Gtk.TreeView] widget

The `GtkTreeViewColumn` object represents a visible column in a `GtkTreeView` widget.
It allows to set properties of the column header, and functions as a holding pen
for the cell renderers which determine how the data in the column is displayed.

Please refer to the [tree widget conceptual overview](section-tree-widget.html)
for an overview of all the objects and data types related to the tree widget and
how they work together, and to the [class@Gtk.TreeView] documentation for specifics
about the CSS node structure for treeviews and their headers.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TreeViewColumn

      public TreeViewColumn(PointerContainer pointer)
    • TreeViewColumn

      public TreeViewColumn()
      Creates a new `GtkTreeViewColumn`.
  • Method Details

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • newWithAreaTreeViewColumn

      public static TreeViewColumn newWithAreaTreeViewColumn(@Nonnull CellArea area)
      Creates a new `GtkTreeViewColumn` using @area to render its cells.
      area - the `GtkCellArea` that the newly created column should use to layout cells.
      A newly created `GtkTreeViewColumn`.
    • newWithAttributesTreeViewColumn

      public static TreeViewColumn newWithAttributesTreeViewColumn(@Nonnull Str title, @Nonnull CellRenderer cell, Object... _elipse)
      Creates a new `GtkTreeViewColumn` with a number of default values.
      This is equivalent to calling gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(),
      gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(), and
      gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes() on the newly created `GtkTreeViewColumn`.

      Here’s a simple example:
      <!-- language="C" -->
        // ...
          GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
          GtkCellRenderer   *renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
          column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Title",
                                                             "text", TEXT_COLUMN,
                                                             "foreground", COLOR_COLUMN,
      title - The title to set the header to
      cell - The `GtkCellRenderer`
      _elipse - A %NULL-terminated list of attributes
      A newly created `GtkTreeViewColumn`.
    • newWithAttributesTreeViewColumn

      public static TreeViewColumn newWithAttributesTreeViewColumn(String title, @Nonnull CellRenderer cell, Object... _elipse)
      Creates a new `GtkTreeViewColumn` with a number of default values.
      This is equivalent to calling gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(),
      gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(), and
      gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes() on the newly created `GtkTreeViewColumn`.

      Here’s a simple example:
      <!-- language="C" -->
        // ...
          GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
          GtkCellRenderer   *renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
          column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Title",
                                                             "text", TEXT_COLUMN,
                                                             "foreground", COLOR_COLUMN,
      title - The title to set the header to
      cell - The `GtkCellRenderer`
      _elipse - A %NULL-terminated list of attributes
      A newly created `GtkTreeViewColumn`.
    • addAttribute

      public void addAttribute(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell_renderer, @Nonnull Str attribute, int column)
      Adds an attribute mapping to the list in @tree_column.

      The @column is the
      column of the model to get a value from, and the @attribute is the
      parameter on @cell_renderer to be set from the value. So for example
      if column 2 of the model contains strings, you could have the
      “text” attribute of a `GtkCellRendererText` get its values from
      column 2.
      cell_renderer - the `GtkCellRenderer` to set attributes on
      attribute - An attribute on the renderer
      column - The column position on the model to get the attribute from.
    • addAttribute

      public void addAttribute(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell_renderer, String attribute, int column)
      Adds an attribute mapping to the list in @tree_column.

      The @column is the
      column of the model to get a value from, and the @attribute is the
      parameter on @cell_renderer to be set from the value. So for example
      if column 2 of the model contains strings, you could have the
      “text” attribute of a `GtkCellRendererText` get its values from
      column 2.
      cell_renderer - the `GtkCellRenderer` to set attributes on
      attribute - An attribute on the renderer
      column - The column position on the model to get the attribute from.
    • cellGetPosition

      public boolean cellGetPosition(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell_renderer, @Nullable Int x_offset, @Nullable Int width)
      Obtains the horizontal position and size of a cell in a column.

      If the cell is not found in the column, @start_pos and @width
      are not changed and %FALSE is returned.
      cell_renderer - a `GtkCellRenderer`
      x_offset - return location for the horizontal position of @cell within @tree_column
      width - return location for the width of @cell
      %TRUE if @cell belongs to @tree_column
    • cellGetSize

      public void cellGetSize(@Nullable Int x_offset, @Nullable Int y_offset, @Nullable Int width, @Nullable Int height)
      Obtains the width and height needed to render the column. This is used
      primarily by the `GtkTreeView`.
      x_offset - location to return x offset of a cell relative to @cell_area
      y_offset - location to return y offset of a cell relative to @cell_area
      width - location to return width needed to render a cell
      height - location to return height needed to render a cell
    • cellIsVisible

      public boolean cellIsVisible()
      Returns %TRUE if any of the cells packed into the @tree_column are visible.
      For this to be meaningful, you must first initialize the cells with
      %TRUE, if any of the cells packed into the @tree_column are currently visible
    • cellSetCellData

      public void cellSetCellData(@Nonnull TreeModel tree_model, @Nonnull TreeIter iter, boolean is_expander, boolean is_expanded)
      Sets the cell renderer based on the @tree_model and @iter. That is, for
      every attribute mapping in @tree_column, it will get a value from the set
      column on the @iter, and use that value to set the attribute on the cell
      renderer. This is used primarily by the `GtkTreeView`.
      tree_model - The `GtkTreeModel` to get the cell renderers attributes from.
      iter - The `GtkTreeIter` to get the cell renderer’s attributes from.
      is_expander - %TRUE, if the row has children
      is_expanded - %TRUE, if the row has visible children
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Unsets all the mappings on all renderers on the @tree_column.
    • clearAttributes

      public void clearAttributes(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell_renderer)
      Clears all existing attributes previously set with
      cell_renderer - a `GtkCellRenderer` to clear the attribute mapping on.
    • clicked

      public void clicked()
      Emits the “clicked” signal on the column. This function will only work if
      @tree_column is clickable.
    • focusCell

      public void focusCell(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell)
      Sets the current keyboard focus to be at @cell, if the column contains
      2 or more editable and activatable cells.
      cell - A `GtkCellRenderer`
    • getAlignment

      public float getAlignment()
      Returns the current x alignment of @tree_column. This value can range
      between 0.0 and 1.0.
      The current alignent of @tree_column.
    • getButton

      public Widget getButton()
      Returns the button used in the treeview column header
      The button for the column header.
    • getClickable

      public boolean getClickable()
      Returns %TRUE if the user can click on the header for the column.
      %TRUE if user can click the column header.
    • getExpand

      public boolean getExpand()
      Returns %TRUE if the column expands to fill available space.
      %TRUE if the column expands to fill available space.
    • getFixedWidth

      public int getFixedWidth()
      Gets the fixed width of the column. This may not be the actual displayed
      width of the column; for that, use gtk_tree_view_column_get_width().
      The fixed width of the column.
    • getMaxWidth

      public int getMaxWidth()
      Returns the maximum width in pixels of the @tree_column, or -1 if no maximum
      width is set.
      The maximum width of the @tree_column.
    • getMinWidth

      public int getMinWidth()
      Returns the minimum width in pixels of the @tree_column, or -1 if no minimum
      width is set.
      The minimum width of the @tree_column.
    • getReorderable

      public boolean getReorderable()
      Returns %TRUE if the @tree_column can be reordered by the user.
      %TRUE if the @tree_column can be reordered by the user.
    • getResizable

      public boolean getResizable()
      Returns %TRUE if the @tree_column can be resized by the end user.
      %TRUE, if the @tree_column can be resized.
    • getSizing

      public int getSizing()
      Returns the current type of @tree_column.
      The type of @tree_column.
    • getSortColumnId

      public int getSortColumnId()
      Gets the logical @sort_column_id that the model sorts on
      when this column is selected for sorting.

      See [method@Gtk.TreeViewColumn.set_sort_column_id].
      the current @sort_column_id for this column, or -1 if this column can’t be used for sorting
    • getSortIndicator

      public boolean getSortIndicator()
      Gets the value set by gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_indicator().
      whether the sort indicator arrow is displayed
    • getSortOrder

      public int getSortOrder()
      Gets the value set by gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_order().
      the sort order the sort indicator is indicating
    • getSpacing

      public int getSpacing()
      Returns the spacing of @tree_column.
      the spacing of @tree_column.
    • getTitle

      public Str getTitle()
      Returns the title of the widget.
      the title of the column. This string should not be modified or freed.
    • getTreeView

      public Widget getTreeView()
      Returns the `GtkTreeView` wherein @tree_column has been inserted.
      If @column is currently not inserted in any tree view, %NULL is
      The tree view wherein @column has been inserted
    • getVisible

      public boolean getVisible()
      Returns %TRUE if @tree_column is visible.
      whether the column is visible or not. If it is visible, then the tree will show the column.
    • getWidget

      public Widget getWidget()
      Returns the `GtkWidget` in the button on the column header.

      If a custom widget has not been set then %NULL is returned.
      The `GtkWidget` in the column header
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Returns the current size of @tree_column in pixels.
      The current width of @tree_column.
    • getXOffset

      public int getXOffset()
      Returns the current X offset of @tree_column in pixels.
      The current X offset of @tree_column.
    • packEnd

      public void packEnd(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell, boolean expand)
      Adds the @cell to end of the column. If @expand is %FALSE, then the @cell
      is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided
      evenly between cells for which @expand is %TRUE.
      cell - The `GtkCellRenderer`
      expand - %TRUE if @cell is to be given extra space allocated to @tree_column.
    • packStart

      public void packStart(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell, boolean expand)
      Packs the @cell into the beginning of the column. If @expand is %FALSE, then
      the @cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided
      evenly between cells for which @expand is %TRUE.
      cell - The `GtkCellRenderer`
      expand - %TRUE if @cell is to be given extra space allocated to @tree_column.
    • queueResize

      public void queueResize()
      Flags the column, and the cell renderers added to this column, to have
      their sizes renegotiated.
    • setAlignment

      public void setAlignment(float xalign)
      Sets the alignment of the title or custom widget inside the column header.
      The alignment determines its location inside the button -- 0.0 for left, 0.5
      for center, 1.0 for right.
      xalign - The alignment, which is between [0.0 and 1.0] inclusive.
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell_renderer, Object... _elipse)
      Sets the attributes in the list as the attributes of @tree_column.

      The attributes should be in attribute/column order, as in
      gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(). All existing attributes
      are removed, and replaced with the new attributes.
      cell_renderer - the `GtkCellRenderer` we’re setting the attributes of
      _elipse - A %NULL-terminated list of attributes
    • setCellDataFunc

      public void setCellDataFunc(@Nonnull CellRenderer cell_renderer, TreeViewColumn.OnTreeCellDataFunc func, @Nullable Pointer func_data, TreeViewColumn.OnDestroyNotify destroy)
      Sets the `GtkTreeCellDataFunc` to use for the column.

      function is used instead of the standard attributes mapping for
      setting the column value, and should set the value of @tree_column's
      cell renderer as appropriate. @func may be %NULL to remove an
      older one.
      cell_renderer - A `GtkCellRenderer`
      func - The `GtkTreeCellDataFunc` to use.
      func_data - The user data for @func.
      destroy - The destroy notification for @func_data
    • setClickable

      public void setClickable(boolean clickable)
      Sets the header to be active if @clickable is %TRUE. When the header is
      active, then it can take keyboard focus, and can be clicked.
      clickable - %TRUE if the header is active.
    • setExpand

      public void setExpand(boolean expand)
      Sets the column to take available extra space. This space is shared equally
      amongst all columns that have the expand set to %TRUE. If no column has this
      option set, then the last column gets all extra space. By default, every
      column is created with this %FALSE.

      Along with “fixed-width”, the “expand” property changes when the column is
      resized by the user.
      expand - %TRUE if the column should expand to fill available space.
    • setFixedWidth

      public void setFixedWidth(int fixed_width)
      If @fixed_width is not -1, sets the fixed width of @tree_column; otherwise
      unsets it. The effective value of @fixed_width is clamped between the
      minimum and maximum width of the column; however, the value stored in the
      “fixed-width” property is not clamped. If the column sizing is
      a fixed width overrides the automatically calculated width. Note that
      @fixed_width is only a hint to GTK; the width actually allocated to the
      column may be greater or less than requested.

      Along with “expand”, the “fixed-width” property changes when the column is
      resized by the user.
      fixed_width - The new fixed width, in pixels, or -1.
    • setMaxWidth

      public void setMaxWidth(int max_width)
      Sets the maximum width of the @tree_column. If @max_width is -1, then the
      maximum width is unset. Note, the column can actually be wider than max
      width if it’s the last column in a view. In this case, the column expands to
      fill any extra space.
      max_width - The maximum width of the column in pixels, or -1.
    • setMinWidth

      public void setMinWidth(int min_width)
      Sets the minimum width of the @tree_column. If @min_width is -1, then the
      minimum width is unset.
      min_width - The minimum width of the column in pixels, or -1.
    • setReorderable

      public void setReorderable(boolean reorderable)
      If @reorderable is %TRUE, then the column can be reordered by the end user
      dragging the header.
      reorderable - %TRUE, if the column can be reordered.
    • setResizable

      public void setResizable(boolean resizable)
      If @resizable is %TRUE, then the user can explicitly resize the column by
      grabbing the outer edge of the column button.

      If resizable is %TRUE and
      sizing mode of the column is %GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE, then the sizing
      mode is changed to %GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_GROW_ONLY.
      resizable - %TRUE, if the column can be resized
    • setSizing

      public void setSizing(int type)
      Sets the growth behavior of @tree_column to @type.
      type - The `GtkTreeViewColumn`Sizing.
    • setSortColumnId

      public void setSortColumnId(int sort_column_id)
      Sets the logical @sort_column_id that this column sorts on when this column
      is selected for sorting. Doing so makes the column header clickable.
      sort_column_id - The @sort_column_id of the model to sort on.
    • setSortIndicator

      public void setSortIndicator(boolean setting)
      Call this function with a @setting of %TRUE to display an arrow in
      the header button indicating the column is sorted. Call
      gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_order() to change the direction of
      the arrow.
      setting - %TRUE to display an indicator that the column is sorted
    • setSortOrder

      public void setSortOrder(int order)
      Changes the appearance of the sort indicator.

      This does not actually sort the model. Use
      gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id() if you want automatic sorting
      support. This function is primarily for custom sorting behavior, and should
      be used in conjunction with gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id() to do
      that. For custom models, the mechanism will vary.

      The sort indicator changes direction to indicate normal sort or reverse sort.
      Note that you must have the sort indicator enabled to see anything when
      calling this function; see gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_indicator().
      order - sort order that the sort indicator should indicate
    • setSpacing

      public void setSpacing(int spacing)
      Sets the spacing field of @tree_column, which is the number of pixels to
      place between cell renderers packed into it.
      spacing - distance between cell renderers in pixels.
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(@Nonnull Str title)
      Sets the title of the @tree_column. If a custom widget has been set, then
      this value is ignored.
      title - The title of the @tree_column.
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(String title)
      Sets the title of the @tree_column. If a custom widget has been set, then
      this value is ignored.
      title - The title of the @tree_column.
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets the visibility of @tree_column.
      visible - %TRUE if the @tree_column is visible.
    • setWidget

      public void setWidget(@Nullable Widget widget)
      Sets the widget in the header to be @widget. If widget is %NULL, then the
      header button is set with a `GtkLabel` set to the title of @tree_column.
      widget - A child `GtkWidget`
    • onClicked

      public SignalHandler onClicked(TreeViewColumn.OnClicked signal)
      Connect to signal "clicked".
      See TreeViewColumn.OnClicked.onClicked() for signal description.
      Field SIGNAL_ON_CLICKED contains original signal name and can be used as resource reference.
      signal - callback function (lambda).
      SignalHandler. Can be used to disconnect signal and to release callback function.
    • asBuildable

      public Buildable asBuildable()
      Implements interface Buildable. Call this to get access to interface functions.
    • asCellLayout

      public CellLayout asCellLayout()
      Implements interface CellLayout. Call this to get access to interface functions.
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()