Class RecentInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RecentInfo extends Record
`GtkRecentInfo` contains the metadata associated with an item in the
recently used files list.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • createAppInfo

      public AppInfo createAppInfo(@Nullable Str app_name) throws AllocationError
      Creates a `GAppInfo` for the specified `GtkRecentInfo`

      In case of error, @error will be set either with a
      app_name - the name of the application that should be mapped to a `GAppInfo`; if %NULL is used then the default application for the MIME type is used
      the newly created `GAppInfo`
    • createAppInfo

      public AppInfo createAppInfo(String app_name) throws AllocationError
      Creates a `GAppInfo` for the specified `GtkRecentInfo`

      In case of error, @error will be set either with a
      app_name - the name of the application that should be mapped to a `GAppInfo`; if %NULL is used then the default application for the MIME type is used
      the newly created `GAppInfo`
    • exists

      public boolean exists()
      Checks whether the resource pointed by @info still exists.
      At the moment this check is done only on resources pointing
      to local files.
      %TRUE if the resource exists
    • getAdded

      public DateTime getAdded()
      Gets the time when the resource
      was added to the recently used resources list.
      a `GDateTime` for the time when the resource was added
    • getAge

      public int getAge()
      Gets the number of days elapsed since the last update
      of the resource pointed by @info.
      a positive integer containing the number of days elapsed since the time this resource was last modified
    • getApplications

      public Strs getApplications(@Nullable Int64 length)
      Retrieves the list of applications that have registered this resource.
      length - return location for the length of the returned list
      a newly allocated %NULL-terminated array of strings. Use g_strfreev() to free it.
    • getDescription

      public Str getDescription()
      Gets the (short) description of the resource.
      the description of the resource. The returned string is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
    • getDisplayName

      public Str getDisplayName()
      Gets the name of the resource.

      If none has been defined, the basename
      of the resource is obtained.
      the display name of the resource. The returned string is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
    • getGicon

      public Icon getGicon()
      Retrieves the icon associated to the resource MIME type.
      a `GIcon` containing the icon
    • getGroups

      public Strs getGroups(@Nullable Int64 length)
      Returns all groups registered for the recently used item @info.

      The array of returned group names will be %NULL terminated, so
      length might optionally be %NULL.
      length - return location for the number of groups returned
      a newly allocated %NULL terminated array of strings. Use g_strfreev() to free it.
    • getMimeType

      public Str getMimeType()
      Gets the MIME type of the resource.
      the MIME type of the resource. The returned string is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
    • getModified

      public DateTime getModified()
      Gets the time when the meta-data
      for the resource was last modified.
      a `GDateTime` for the time when the resource was last modified
    • getPrivateHint

      public boolean getPrivateHint()
      Gets the value of the “private” flag.

      Resources in the recently used list that have this flag
      set to %TRUE should only be displayed by the applications
      that have registered them.
      %TRUE if the private flag was found, %FALSE otherwise
    • getShortName

      public Str getShortName()
      Computes a valid UTF-8 string that can be used as the
      name of the item in a menu or list.

      For example, calling this function on an item that refers
      to “file:///foo/bar.txt” will yield “bar.txt”.
      A newly-allocated string in UTF-8 encoding free it with g_free()
    • getUri

      public Str getUri()
      Gets the URI of the resource.
      the URI of the resource. The returned string is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
    • getUriDisplay

      public Str getUriDisplay()
      Gets a displayable version of the resource’s URI.

      If the resource is local, it returns a local path; if the
      resource is not local, it returns the UTF-8 encoded content
      of [method@Gtk.RecentInfo.get_uri].
      a newly allocated UTF-8 string containing the resource’s URI or %NULL. Use g_free() when done using it.
    • getVisited

      public DateTime getVisited()
      Gets the time when the meta-data
      for the resource was last visited.
      a `GDateTime` for the time when the resource was last visited
    • hasApplication

      public boolean hasApplication(@Nonnull Str app_name)
      Checks whether an application registered this resource using @app_name.
      app_name - a string containing an application name
      %TRUE if an application with name @app_name was found, %FALSE otherwise
    • hasApplication

      public boolean hasApplication(String app_name)
      Checks whether an application registered this resource using @app_name.
      app_name - a string containing an application name
      %TRUE if an application with name @app_name was found, %FALSE otherwise
    • hasGroup

      public boolean hasGroup(@Nonnull Str group_name)
      Checks whether @group_name appears inside the groups
      registered for the recently used item @info.
      group_name - name of a group
      %TRUE if the group was found
    • hasGroup

      public boolean hasGroup(String group_name)
      Checks whether @group_name appears inside the groups
      registered for the recently used item @info.
      group_name - name of a group
      %TRUE if the group was found
    • isLocal

      public boolean isLocal()
      Checks whether the resource is local or not by looking at the
      scheme of its URI.
      %TRUE if the resource is local
    • lastApplication

      public Str lastApplication()
      Gets the name of the last application that have registered the
      recently used resource represented by @info.
      an application name. Use g_free() to free it.
    • match

      public boolean match(@Nonnull RecentInfo info_b)
      Checks whether two `GtkRecentInfo` point to the same resource.
      info_b - a `GtkRecentInfo`
      %TRUE if both `GtkRecentInfo` point to the same resource, %FALSE otherwise
    • ref

      public RecentInfo ref()
      Increases the reference count of @recent_info by one.
      the recent info object with its reference count increased by one
    • unref

      public void unref()
      Decreases the reference count of @info by one.

      If the reference count reaches zero, @info is
      deallocated, and the memory freed.
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()