Class Matrix

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Matrix extends Record
A structure capable of holding a 4x4 matrix.

The contents of the #graphene_matrix_t structure are private and
should never be accessed directly.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • allocMatrix

      public static Matrix allocMatrix()
      Allocates a new #graphene_matrix_t.
      the newly allocated matrix
    • decompose

      public boolean decompose(@Nonnull Vec3 translate, @Nonnull Vec3 scale, @Nonnull Quaternion rotate, @Nonnull Vec3 shear, @Nonnull Vec4 perspective)
      Decomposes a transformation matrix into its component transformations.

      The algorithm for decomposing a matrix is taken from the
      [CSS3 Transforms specification](;
      specifically, the decomposition code is based on the equivalent code
      published in "Graphics Gems II", edited by Jim Arvo, and
      [available online](
      translate - the translation vector
      scale - the scale vector
      rotate - the rotation quaternion
      shear - the shear vector
      perspective - the perspective vector
      `true` if the matrix could be decomposed
    • determinant

      public float determinant()
      Computes the determinant of the given matrix.
      the value of the determinant
    • equal

      public boolean equal(@Nonnull Matrix b)
      Checks whether the two given #graphene_matrix_t matrices are equal.
      b - a #graphene_matrix_t
      `true` if the two matrices are equal, and `false` otherwise
    • equalFast

      public boolean equalFast(@Nonnull Matrix b)
      Checks whether the two given #graphene_matrix_t matrices are
      byte-by-byte equal.

      While this function is faster than graphene_matrix_equal(), it
      can also return false negatives, so it should be used in
      conjuction with either graphene_matrix_equal() or
      graphene_matrix_near(). For instance:
      <!-- language="C" -->
         if (graphene_matrix_equal_fast (a, b))
             // matrices are definitely the same
             if (graphene_matrix_equal (a, b))
               // matrices contain the same values within an epsilon of FLT_EPSILON
             else if (graphene_matrix_near (a, b, 0.0001))
               // matrices contain the same values within an epsilon of 0.0001
               // matrices are not equal
      b - a #graphene_matrix_t
      `true` if the matrices are equal. and `false` otherwise
    • free

      public void free()
      Frees the resources allocated by graphene_matrix_alloc().
    • getXScale

      public float getXScale()
      Retrieves the scaling factor on the X axis in @m.
      the value of the scaling factor
    • getXTranslation

      public float getXTranslation()
      Retrieves the translation component on the X axis from @m.
      the translation component
    • getYScale

      public float getYScale()
      Retrieves the scaling factor on the Y axis in @m.
      the value of the scaling factor
    • getYTranslation

      public float getYTranslation()
      Retrieves the translation component on the Y axis from @m.
      the translation component
    • getZScale

      public float getZScale()
      Retrieves the scaling factor on the Z axis in @m.
      the value of the scaling factor
    • getZTranslation

      public float getZTranslation()
      Retrieves the translation component on the Z axis from @m.
      the translation component
    • initFrom2d

      public Matrix initFrom2d(double xx, double yx, double xy, double yy, double x_0, double y_0)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t from the values of an affine
      transformation matrix.

      The arguments map to the following matrix layout:
      <!-- language="plain" -->
         ⎛ xx  yx ⎞   ⎛  a   b  0 ⎞
         ⎜ xy  yy ⎟ = ⎜  c   d  0 ⎟
         ⎝ x0  y0 ⎠   ⎝ tx  ty  1 ⎠

      This function can be used to convert between an affine matrix type
      from other libraries and a #graphene_matrix_t.
      xx - the xx member
      yx - the yx member
      xy - the xy member
      yy - the yy member
      x_0 - the x0 member
      y_0 - the y0 member
      the initialized matrix
    • initFromMatrix

      public Matrix initFromMatrix(@Nonnull Matrix src)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t using the values of the
      given matrix.
      src - a #graphene_matrix_t
      the initialized matrix
    • initFromVec4

      public Matrix initFromVec4(@Nonnull Vec4 v0, @Nonnull Vec4 v1, @Nonnull Vec4 v2, @Nonnull Vec4 v3)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with the given four row
      v0 - the first row vector
      v1 - the second row vector
      v2 - the third row vector
      v3 - the fourth row vector
      the initialized matrix
    • initFrustum

      public Matrix initFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float z_near, float z_far)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t compatible with #graphene_frustum_t.

      See also: graphene_frustum_init_from_matrix()
      left - distance of the left clipping plane
      right - distance of the right clipping plane
      bottom - distance of the bottom clipping plane
      top - distance of the top clipping plane
      z_near - distance of the near clipping plane
      z_far - distance of the far clipping plane
      the initialized matrix
    • initIdentity

      public Matrix initIdentity()
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with the identity matrix.
      the initialized matrix
    • initLookAt

      public Matrix initLookAt(@Nonnull Vec3 eye, @Nonnull Vec3 center, @Nonnull Vec3 up)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t so that it positions the "camera"
      at the given @eye coordinates towards an object at the @center
      coordinates. The top of the camera is aligned to the direction
      of the @up vector.

      Before the transform, the camera is assumed to be placed at the
      origin, looking towards the negative Z axis, with the top side of
      the camera facing in the direction of the Y axis and the right
      side in the direction of the X axis.

      In theory, one could use @m to transform a model of such a camera
      into world-space. However, it is more common to use the inverse of
      @m to transform another object from world coordinates to the view
      coordinates of the camera. Typically you would then apply the
      camera projection transform to get from view to screen
      eye - the vector describing the position to look from
      center - the vector describing the position to look at
      up - the vector describing the world's upward direction; usually, this is the graphene_vec3_y_axis() vector
      the initialized matrix
    • initOrtho

      public Matrix initOrtho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float z_near, float z_far)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with an orthographic projection.
      left - the left edge of the clipping plane
      right - the right edge of the clipping plane
      top - the top edge of the clipping plane
      bottom - the bottom edge of the clipping plane
      z_near - the distance of the near clipping plane
      z_far - the distance of the far clipping plane
      the initialized matrix
    • initPerspective

      public Matrix initPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float z_near, float z_far)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with a perspective projection.
      fovy - the field of view angle, in degrees
      aspect - the aspect value
      z_near - the near Z plane
      z_far - the far Z plane
      the initialized matrix
    • initRotate

      public Matrix initRotate(float angle, @Nonnull Vec3 axis)
      Initializes @m to represent a rotation of @angle degrees on
      the axis represented by the @axis vector.
      angle - the rotation angle, in degrees
      axis - the axis vector as a #graphene_vec3_t
      the initialized matrix
    • initScale

      public Matrix initScale(float x, float y, float z)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with the given scaling factors.
      x - the scale factor on the X axis
      y - the scale factor on the Y axis
      z - the scale factor on the Z axis
      the initialized matrix
    • initSkew

      public Matrix initSkew(float x_skew, float y_skew)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with a skew transformation
      with the given factors.
      x_skew - skew factor, in radians, on the X axis
      y_skew - skew factor, in radians, on the Y axis
      the initialized matrix
    • initTranslate

      public Matrix initTranslate(@Nonnull Point3D p)
      Initializes a #graphene_matrix_t with a translation to the
      given coordinates.
      p - the translation coordinates
      the initialized matrix
    • interpolate

      public void interpolate(@Nonnull Matrix b, double factor, @Nonnull Matrix res)
      Linearly interpolates the two given #graphene_matrix_t by
      interpolating the decomposed transformations separately.

      If either matrix cannot be reduced to their transformations
      then the interpolation cannot be performed, and this function
      will return an identity matrix.
      b - a #graphene_matrix_t
      factor - the linear interpolation factor
      res - return location for the interpolated matrix
    • inverse

      public boolean inverse(@Nonnull Matrix res)
      Inverts the given matrix.
      res - return location for the inverse matrix
      `true` if the matrix is invertible
    • is2d

      public boolean is2d()
      Checks whether the given #graphene_matrix_t is compatible with an
      a 2D affine transformation matrix.
      `true` if the matrix is compatible with an affine transformation matrix
    • isBackfaceVisible

      public boolean isBackfaceVisible()
      Checks whether a #graphene_matrix_t has a visible back face.
      `true` if the back face of the matrix is visible
    • isIdentity

      public boolean isIdentity()
      Checks whether the given #graphene_matrix_t is the identity matrix.
      `true` if the matrix is the identity matrix
    • isSingular

      public boolean isSingular()
      Checks whether a matrix is singular.
      `true` if the matrix is singular
    • multiply

      public void multiply(@Nonnull Matrix b, @Nonnull Matrix res)
      Multiplies two #graphene_matrix_t.

      Matrix multiplication is not commutative in general; the order of the factors matters.
      The product of this multiplication is (@a × @b)
      b - a #graphene_matrix_t
      res - return location for the matrix result
    • near

      public boolean near(@Nonnull Matrix b, float epsilon)
      Compares the two given #graphene_matrix_t matrices and checks
      whether their values are within the given @epsilon of each
      b - a #graphene_matrix_t
      epsilon - the threshold between the two matrices
      `true` if the two matrices are near each other, and `false` otherwise
    • normalize

      public void normalize(@Nonnull Matrix res)
      Normalizes the given #graphene_matrix_t.
      res - return location for the normalized matrix
    • perspective

      public void perspective(float depth, @Nonnull Matrix res)
      Applies a perspective of @depth to the matrix.
      depth - the depth of the perspective
      res - return location for the perspective matrix
    • print

      public void print()
      Prints the contents of a matrix to the standard error stream.

      This function is only useful for debugging; there are no guarantees
      made on the format of the output.
    • projectPoint

      public void projectPoint(@Nonnull Point p, @Nonnull Point res)
      Projects a #graphene_point_t using the matrix @m.
      p - a #graphene_point_t
      res - return location for the projected point
    • projectRect

      public void projectRect(@Nonnull Rect r, @Nonnull Quad res)
      Projects all corners of a #graphene_rect_t using the given matrix.

      See also: graphene_matrix_project_point()
      r - a #graphene_rect_t
      res - return location for the projected rectangle
    • projectRectBounds

      public void projectRectBounds(@Nonnull Rect r, @Nonnull Rect res)
      Projects a #graphene_rect_t using the given matrix.

      The resulting rectangle is the axis aligned bounding rectangle capable
      of fully containing the projected rectangle.
      r - a #graphene_rect_t
      res - return location for the projected rectangle
    • rotate

      public void rotate(float angle, @Nonnull Vec3 axis)
      Adds a rotation transformation to @m, using the given @angle
      and @axis vector.

      This is the equivalent of calling graphene_matrix_init_rotate() and
      then multiplying the matrix @m with the rotation matrix.
      angle - the rotation angle, in degrees
      axis - the rotation axis, as a #graphene_vec3_t
    • rotateEuler

      public void rotateEuler(@Nonnull Euler e)
      Adds a rotation transformation to @m, using the given
      e - a rotation described by a #graphene_euler_t
    • rotateQuaternion

      public void rotateQuaternion(@Nonnull Quaternion q)
      Adds a rotation transformation to @m, using the given

      This is the equivalent of calling graphene_quaternion_to_matrix() and
      then multiplying @m with the rotation matrix.
      q - a rotation described by a #graphene_quaternion_t
    • rotateX

      public void rotateX(float angle)
      Adds a rotation transformation around the X axis to @m, using
      the given @angle.

      See also: graphene_matrix_rotate()
      angle - the rotation angle, in degrees
    • rotateY

      public void rotateY(float angle)
      Adds a rotation transformation around the Y axis to @m, using
      the given @angle.

      See also: graphene_matrix_rotate()
      angle - the rotation angle, in degrees
    • rotateZ

      public void rotateZ(float angle)
      Adds a rotation transformation around the Z axis to @m, using
      the given @angle.

      See also: graphene_matrix_rotate()
      angle - the rotation angle, in degrees
    • scale

      public void scale(float factor_x, float factor_y, float factor_z)
      Adds a scaling transformation to @m, using the three
      given factors.

      This is the equivalent of calling graphene_matrix_init_scale() and then
      multiplying the matrix @m with the scale matrix.
      factor_x - scaling factor on the X axis
      factor_y - scaling factor on the Y axis
      factor_z - scaling factor on the Z axis
    • skewXy

      public void skewXy(float factor)
      Adds a skew of @factor on the X and Y axis to the given matrix.
      factor - skew factor
    • skewXz

      public void skewXz(float factor)
      Adds a skew of @factor on the X and Z axis to the given matrix.
      factor - skew factor
    • skewYz

      public void skewYz(float factor)
      Adds a skew of @factor on the Y and Z axis to the given matrix.
      factor - skew factor
    • toFloat

      public void toFloat(@Nonnull Flt v)
      Converts a #graphene_matrix_t to an array of floating point
      v - return location for an array of floating point values. The array must be capable of holding at least 16 values.
    • transformBounds

      public void transformBounds(@Nonnull Rect r, @Nonnull Rect res)
      Transforms each corner of a #graphene_rect_t using the given matrix @m.

      The result is the axis aligned bounding rectangle containing the coplanar

      See also: graphene_matrix_transform_point()
      r - a #graphene_rect_t
      res - return location for the bounds of the transformed rectangle
    • transformBox

      public void transformBox(@Nonnull Box b, @Nonnull Box res)
      Transforms the vertices of a #graphene_box_t using the given matrix @m.

      The result is the axis aligned bounding box containing the transformed
      b - a #graphene_box_t
      res - return location for the bounds of the transformed box
    • transformPoint

      public void transformPoint(@Nonnull Point p, @Nonnull Point res)
      Transforms the given #graphene_point_t using the matrix @m.

      Unlike graphene_matrix_transform_vec3(), this function will take into
      account the fourth row vector of the #graphene_matrix_t when computing
      the dot product of each row vector of the matrix.

      See also: graphene_simd4x4f_point3_mul()
      p - a #graphene_point_t
      res - return location for the transformed #graphene_point_t
    • transformPoint3d

      public void transformPoint3d(@Nonnull Point3D p, @Nonnull Point3D res)
      Transforms the given #graphene_point3d_t using the matrix @m.

      Unlike graphene_matrix_transform_vec3(), this function will take into
      account the fourth row vector of the #graphene_matrix_t when computing
      the dot product of each row vector of the matrix.

      See also: graphene_simd4x4f_point3_mul()
      p - a #graphene_point3d_t
      res - return location for the result
    • transformRay

      public void transformRay(@Nonnull Ray r, @Nonnull Ray res)
      Transform a #graphene_ray_t using the given matrix @m.
      r - a #graphene_ray_t
      res - return location for the transformed ray
    • transformRect

      public void transformRect(@Nonnull Rect r, @Nonnull Quad res)
      Transforms each corner of a #graphene_rect_t using the given matrix @m.

      The result is a coplanar quadrilateral.

      See also: graphene_matrix_transform_point()
      r - a #graphene_rect_t
      res - return location for the transformed quad
    • transformSphere

      public void transformSphere(@Nonnull Sphere s, @Nonnull Sphere res)
      Transforms a #graphene_sphere_t using the given matrix @m. The
      result is the bounding sphere containing the transformed sphere.
      s - a #graphene_sphere_t
      res - return location for the bounds of the transformed sphere
    • transformVec3

      public void transformVec3(@Nonnull Vec3 v, @Nonnull Vec3 res)
      Transforms the given #graphene_vec3_t using the matrix @m.

      This function will multiply the X, Y, and Z row vectors of the matrix @m
      with the corresponding components of the vector @v. The W row vector will
      be ignored.

      See also: graphene_simd4x4f_vec3_mul()
      v - a #graphene_vec3_t
      res - return location for a #graphene_vec3_t
    • transformVec4

      public void transformVec4(@Nonnull Vec4 v, @Nonnull Vec4 res)
      Transforms the given #graphene_vec4_t using the matrix @m.

      See also: graphene_simd4x4f_vec4_mul()
      v - a #graphene_vec4_t
      res - return location for a #graphene_vec4_t
    • translate

      public void translate(@Nonnull Point3D pos)
      Adds a translation transformation to @m using the coordinates
      of the given #graphene_point3d_t.

      This is the equivalent of calling graphene_matrix_init_translate() and
      then multiplying @m with the translation matrix.
      pos - a #graphene_point3d_t
    • transpose

      public void transpose(@Nonnull Matrix res)
      Transposes the given matrix.
      res - return location for the transposed matrix
    • unprojectPoint3d

      public void unprojectPoint3d(@Nonnull Matrix modelview, @Nonnull Point3D point, @Nonnull Point3D res)
      Unprojects the given @point using the @projection matrix and
      a @modelview matrix.
      modelview - a #graphene_matrix_t for the modelview matrix; this is the inverse of the modelview used when projecting the point
      point - a #graphene_point3d_t with the coordinates of the point
      res - return location for the unprojected point
    • untransformBounds

      public void untransformBounds(@Nonnull Rect r, @Nonnull Rect bounds, @Nonnull Rect res)
      Undoes the transformation on the corners of a #graphene_rect_t using the
      given matrix, within the given axis aligned rectangular @bounds.
      r - a #graphene_rect_t
      bounds - the bounds of the transformation
      res - return location for the untransformed rectangle
    • untransformPoint

      public boolean untransformPoint(@Nonnull Point p, @Nonnull Rect bounds, @Nonnull Point res)
      Undoes the transformation of a #graphene_point_t using the
      given matrix, within the given axis aligned rectangular @bounds.
      p - a #graphene_point_t
      bounds - the bounds of the transformation
      res - return location for the untransformed point
      `true` if the point was successfully untransformed
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()