Package ch.bailu.gtk.gst
Klasse Preset
- Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
This interface offers methods to query and manipulate parameter preset sets.
A preset is a bunch of property settings, together with meta data and a name.
The name of a preset serves as key for subsequent method calls to manipulate
single presets.
All instances of one type will share the list of presets. The list is created
on demand, if presets are not used, the list is not created.
The interface comes with a default implementation that serves most plugins.
Wrapper plugins will override most methods to implement support for the
native preset format of those wrapped plugins.
One method that is useful to be overridden is gst_preset_get_property_names().
With that one can control which properties are saved and in which order.
When implementing support for read-only presets, one should set the vmethods
for gst_preset_save_preset() and gst_preset_delete_preset() to %NULL.
Applications can use gst_preset_is_editable() to check for that.
The default implementation supports presets located in a system directory,
application specific directory and in the users home directory. When getting
a list of presets individual presets are read and overlaid in 1) system,
2) application and 3) user order. Whenever an earlier entry is newer, the
later entries will be updated. Since 1.8 you can also provide extra paths
where to find presets through the GST_PRESET_PATH environment variable.
Presets found in those paths will be considered as "app presets".
A preset is a bunch of property settings, together with meta data and a name.
The name of a preset serves as key for subsequent method calls to manipulate
single presets.
All instances of one type will share the list of presets. The list is created
on demand, if presets are not used, the list is not created.
The interface comes with a default implementation that serves most plugins.
Wrapper plugins will override most methods to implement support for the
native preset format of those wrapped plugins.
One method that is useful to be overridden is gst_preset_get_property_names().
With that one can control which properties are saved and in which order.
When implementing support for read-only presets, one should set the vmethods
for gst_preset_save_preset() and gst_preset_delete_preset() to %NULL.
Applications can use gst_preset_is_editable() to check for that.
The default implementation supports presets located in a system directory,
application specific directory and in the users home directory. When getting
a list of presets individual presets are read and overlaid in 1) system,
2) application and 3) user order. Whenever an earlier entry is newer, the
later entries will be updated. Since 1.8 you can also provide extra paths
where to find presets through the GST_PRESET_PATH environment variable.
Presets found in those paths will be considered as "app presets".
Verschachtelte Klassen - Übersicht
Von Klasse geerbte verschachtelte Klassen/Schnittstellen ch.bailu.gtk.gobject.Object
Object.OnBindingTransformFunc, Object.OnDestroyNotify, Object.OnDuplicateFunc, Object.OnNotify, Object.OnToggleNotify, Object.OnWeakNotify
Von Klasse geerbte Felder ch.bailu.gtk.gobject.Object
Konstruktoren -
Modifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungboolean
(Str name) Delete the given preset.boolean
(String name) Delete the given preset.static Str
Gets the directory for application specific presets if set by the
application.static ClassHandler
static int
static long
static TypeSystem.TypeSize
static long
static TypeSystem.TypeSize
Check if one can add new presets, change existing ones and remove presets.boolean
(Str name) Load the given preset.boolean
(String name) Load the given preset.boolean
(Str old_name, Str new_name) Renames a preset.boolean
(String old_name, String new_name) Renames a preset.boolean
(Str name) Save the current object settings as a preset under the given name.boolean
(String name) Save the current object settings as a preset under the given name.static boolean
Sets an extra directory as an absolute path that should be considered when
looking for presets.boolean
Sets a new @value for an existing meta data item or adds a new item.boolean
Sets a new @value for an existing meta data item or adds a new item.Von Klasse geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.PropertyHolder
getBooleanProperty, getIntProperty, getObjectProperty, getStringProperty, getStrProperty, setBooleanProperty, setIntProperty, setObjectProperty, setStringProperty, setStrProperty
Von Klasse geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.gobject.Object
addToggleRef, bindProperty, bindProperty, bindPropertyFull, bindPropertyFull, bindPropertyWithClosures, bindPropertyWithClosures, compatControl, connect, connect, disconnect, disconnect, dupData, dupData, dupQdata, forceFloating, freezeNotify, get, get, getData, getData, getProperty, getProperty, getQdata, interfaceFindProperty, interfaceInstallProperty, isFloating, notify, notify, notifyByPspec, onNotify, ref, refSink, removeToggleRef, replaceData, replaceData, replaceQdata, runDispose, set, set, setData, setData, setDataFull, setDataFull, setProperty, setProperty, setQdata, setQdataFull, stealData, stealData, stealQdata, takeRef, thawNotify, unref, watchClosure, weakRef, weakUnref
Von Klasse geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.Pointer
asCPointer, cast, connectSignal, disconnectSignals, disconnectSignals, equals, hashCode, throwIfNull, throwNullPointerException, toString, unregisterCallbacks, unregisterCallbacks
Von Klasse geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.Type
asCPointer, asCPointer, asCPointerNotNull, asJnaPointer, asJnaPointer, asPointer, asPointer, cast, cast, throwIfNull
Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden ch.bailu.gtk.type.PointerInterface
asCPointerNotNull, asJnaPointer, asPointer, isNotNull, isNull
Delete the given preset.- Parameter:
- preset name to remove- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with that @name
Delete the given preset.- Parameter:
- preset name to remove- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with that @name
public boolean isEditable()Check if one can add new presets, change existing ones and remove presets.- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE if presets are editable or %FALSE if they are static
Load the given preset.- Parameter:
- preset name to load- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with that @name
Load the given preset.- Parameter:
- preset name to load- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with that @name
Renames a preset. If there is already a preset by the @new_name it will be
overwritten.- Parameter:
- current preset namenew_name
- new preset name- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with @old_name
Renames a preset. If there is already a preset by the @new_name it will be
overwritten.- Parameter:
- current preset namenew_name
- new preset name- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with @old_name
Save the current object settings as a preset under the given name. If there
is already a preset by this @name it will be overwritten.- Parameter:
- preset name to save- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE
Save the current object settings as a preset under the given name. If there
is already a preset by this @name it will be overwritten.- Parameter:
- preset name to save- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE
Sets a new @value for an existing meta data item or adds a new item. Meta
data @tag names can be something like e.g. "comment". Supplying %NULL for the
@value will unset an existing value.- Parameter:
- preset nametag
- meta data item namevalue
- new value- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with that @name
Sets a new @value for an existing meta data item or adds a new item. Meta
data @tag names can be something like e.g. "comment". Supplying %NULL for the
@value will unset an existing value.- Parameter:
- preset nametag
- meta data item namevalue
- new value- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if e.g. there is no preset with that @name
Gets the directory for application specific presets if set by the
application.- Gibt zurück:
- the directory or %NULL, don't free or modify the string
Sets an extra directory as an absolute path that should be considered when
looking for presets. Any presets in the application dir will shadow the
system presets.- Parameter:
- the application specific preset dir- Gibt zurück:
- %TRUE for success, %FALSE if the dir already has been set
public static long getTypeID() -
public static long getParentTypeID() -
public static int getInstanceSize()