Klasse Gsk

public class Gsk extends Package
  • Konstruktordetails

    • Gsk

      public Gsk()
  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • pathParse

      public static Path pathParse(@Nonnull Str string)
      Constructs a path from a serialized form.

      The string is expected to be in (a superset of)
      [SVG path syntax](https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html#PathData),
      as e.g. produced by [method@Gsk.Path.to_string].

      A high-level summary of the syntax:

      - `M x y` Move to `(x, y)`
      - `L x y` Add a line from the current point to `(x, y)`
      - `Q x1 y1 x2 y2` Add a quadratic Bézier from the current point to `(x2, y2)`, with control point `(x1, y1)`
      - `C x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3` Add a cubic Bézier from the current point to `(x3, y3)`, with control points `(x1, y1)` and `(x2, y2)`
      - `Z` Close the contour by drawing a line back to the start point
      - `H x` Add a horizontal line from the current point to the given x value
      - `V y` Add a vertical line from the current point to the given y value
      - `T x2 y2` Add a quadratic Bézier, using the reflection of the previous segments' control point as control point
      - `S x2 y2 x3 y3` Add a cubic Bézier, using the reflection of the previous segments' second control point as first control point
      - `A rx ry r l s x y` Add an elliptical arc from the current point to `(x, y)` with radii rx and ry. See the SVG documentation for how the other parameters influence the arc.
      - `O x1 y1 x2 y2 w` Add a rational quadratic Bézier from the current point to `(x2, y2)` with control point `(x1, y1)` and weight `w`.

      All the commands have lowercase variants that interpret coordinates
      relative to the current point.

      The `O` command is an extension that is not supported in SVG.
      string - a string
      Gibt zurück:
      a new `GskPath`, or `NULL` if @string could not be parsed
    • serializationErrorQuark

      public static int serializationErrorQuark()
      Registers an error quark for [class@Gsk.RenderNode] errors.
      Gibt zurück:
      the error quark
    • strokeEqual

      public static boolean strokeEqual(@Nullable Pointer stroke1, @Nullable Pointer stroke2)
      Checks if two strokes are identical.
      stroke1 - the first stroke
      stroke2 - the second stroke
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the two strokes are equal, false otherwise
    • valueDupRenderNode

      public static RenderNode valueDupRenderNode(@Nonnull Value value)
      Retrieves the render node stored inside a `GValue`,
      and acquires a reference to it.
      value - a [struct@GObject.Value] initialized with type `GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE`
      Gibt zurück:
      the render node
    • valueGetRenderNode

      public static RenderNode valueGetRenderNode(@Nonnull Value value)
      Retrieves the render node stored inside a `GValue`.
      value - a `GValue` initialized with type `GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE`
      Gibt zurück:
      the render node
    • valueSetRenderNode

      public static void valueSetRenderNode(@Nonnull Value value, @Nonnull RenderNode node)
      Stores the given render node inside a `GValue`.

      The [struct@GObject.Value] will acquire a reference
      to the render node.
      value - a [struct@GObject.Value] initialized with type `GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE`
      node - a render node
    • valueTakeRenderNode

      public static void valueTakeRenderNode(@Nonnull Value value, @Nullable RenderNode node)
      Stores the given render node inside a `GValue`.

      This function transfers the ownership of the
      render node to the `GValue`.
      value - a [struct@GObject.Value] initialized with type `GSK_TYPE_RENDER_NODE`
      node - a render node