Package ch.bailu.gtk.gtk
Schnittstelle DrawingArea.OnDrawingAreaDrawFunc
- Umschließende Klasse:
- Funktionsschnittstelle:
- Dies ist eine funktionale Schnittstelle, die somit als Zuweisungsziel für einen Lambdaausdruck oder eine Methodenreferenz verwendet werden kann.
Modifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungvoid
(CallbackHandler __self, DrawingArea drawing_area, Context cr, int width, int height, Pointer user_data) Whenever @drawing_area needs to redraw, this function will be called.
void onDrawingAreaDrawFunc(CallbackHandler __self, @Nonnull DrawingArea drawing_area, @Nonnull Context cr, int width, int height, @Nullable Pointer user_data) Whenever @drawing_area needs to redraw, this function will be called.
This function should exclusively redraw the contents of the drawing area
and must not call any widget functions that cause changes.- Parameter:
- the `GtkDrawingArea` to redrawcr
- the context to draw towidth
- the actual width of the contents. This value will be at least as wide as GtkDrawingArea:width.height
- the actual height of the contents. This value will be at least as wide as GtkDrawingArea:height.user_data
- user data