Klasse TypeFind

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class TypeFind extends Record
The following functions allow you to detect the media type of an unknown


  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • getLength

      public long getLength()
      Get the length of the data stream.
      Gibt zurück:
      The length of the data stream, or 0 if it is not available.
    • suggest

      public void suggest(int probability, @Nonnull Caps caps)
      If a #GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests the caps with the
      given probability. A #GstTypeFindFunction may supply different suggestions
      in one call.
      It is up to the caller of the #GstTypeFindFunction to interpret these values.
      probability - The probability in percent that the suggestion is right
      caps - The fixed #GstCaps to suggest
    • suggestEmptySimple

      public void suggestEmptySimple(int probability, @Nonnull Str media_type)
      If a #GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests caps of the
      given @media_type with the given @probability.

      This function is similar to gst_type_find_suggest_simple(), but uses
      a #GstCaps with no fields.
      probability - The probability in percent that the suggestion is right
      media_type - the media type of the suggested caps
    • suggestEmptySimple

      public void suggestEmptySimple(int probability, String media_type)
      If a #GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests caps of the
      given @media_type with the given @probability.

      This function is similar to gst_type_find_suggest_simple(), but uses
      a #GstCaps with no fields.
      probability - The probability in percent that the suggestion is right
      media_type - the media type of the suggested caps
    • suggestSimple

      public void suggestSimple(int probability, @Nonnull Str media_type, @Nullable Str fieldname, Object... _ellipsis)
      If a #GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests the caps with the
      given probability. A #GstTypeFindFunction may supply different suggestions
      in one call. It is up to the caller of the #GstTypeFindFunction to interpret
      these values.

      This function is similar to gst_type_find_suggest(), only that instead of
      passing a #GstCaps argument you can create the caps on the fly in the same
      way as you can with gst_caps_new_simple().

      Make sure you terminate the list of arguments with a %NULL argument and that
      the values passed have the correct type (in terms of width in bytes when
      passed to the vararg function - this applies particularly to gdouble and
      guint64 arguments).
      probability - The probability in percent that the suggestion is right
      media_type - the media type of the suggested caps
      fieldname - first field of the suggested caps, or %NULL
      _ellipsis - additional arguments to the suggested caps in the same format as the arguments passed to gst_structure_new() (ie. triplets of field name, field GType and field value). If @fieldname is %NULL, this list must be exactly one %NULL.
    • suggestSimple

      public void suggestSimple(int probability, String media_type, String fieldname, Object... _ellipsis)
      If a #GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests the caps with the
      given probability. A #GstTypeFindFunction may supply different suggestions
      in one call. It is up to the caller of the #GstTypeFindFunction to interpret
      these values.

      This function is similar to gst_type_find_suggest(), only that instead of
      passing a #GstCaps argument you can create the caps on the fly in the same
      way as you can with gst_caps_new_simple().

      Make sure you terminate the list of arguments with a %NULL argument and that
      the values passed have the correct type (in terms of width in bytes when
      passed to the vararg function - this applies particularly to gdouble and
      guint64 arguments).
      probability - The probability in percent that the suggestion is right
      media_type - the media type of the suggested caps
      fieldname - first field of the suggested caps, or %NULL
      _ellipsis - additional arguments to the suggested caps in the same format as the arguments passed to gst_structure_new() (ie. triplets of field name, field GType and field value). If @fieldname is %NULL, this list must be exactly one %NULL.
    • register

      public static boolean register(@Nullable Plugin plugin, @Nonnull Str name, int rank, TypeFind.OnTypeFindFunction func, @Nullable Str extensions, @Nullable Caps possible_caps, @Nullable Pointer data, TypeFind.OnDestroyNotify data_notify)
      Registers a new typefind function to be used for typefinding. After
      registering this function will be available for typefinding.
      This function is typically called during an element's plugin initialization.
      plugin - A #GstPlugin, or %NULL for a static typefind function
      name - The name for registering
      rank - The rank (or importance) of this typefind function
      func - The #GstTypeFindFunction to use
      extensions - Optional comma-separated list of extensions that could belong to this type
      possible_caps - Optionally the caps that could be returned when typefinding succeeds
      data - Optional user data. This user data must be available until the plugin is unloaded.
      data_notify - a #GDestroyNotify that will be called on @data when the plugin is unloaded.
      Gibt zurück:
      %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()