Klasse StaticPrivate

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class StaticPrivate extends Record
A #GStaticPrivate works almost like a #GPrivate, but it has one
significant advantage. It doesn't need to be created at run-time
like a #GPrivate, but can be defined at compile-time. This is
similar to the difference between #GMutex and #GStaticMutex.

Now look at our give_me_next_number() example with #GStaticPrivate:
   give_me_next_number ()
     static GStaticPrivate current_number_key = G_STATIC_PRIVATE_INIT;
     int *current_number = g_static_private_get (&current_number_key);
     if (!current_number)
         current_number = g_new (int, 1);
         *current_number = 0;
         g_static_private_set (&current_number_key, current_number, g_free);
     *current_number = calc_next_number (*current_number);
     return *current_number;


  • Felddetails

  • Konstruktordetails

    • StaticPrivate

      public StaticPrivate(PointerContainer pointer)
    • StaticPrivate

      public StaticPrivate()
  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • getFieldIndex

      public int getFieldIndex()
    • free

      public void free()
      Releases all resources allocated to @private_key.

      You don't have to call this functions for a #GStaticPrivate with an
      unbounded lifetime, i.e. objects declared 'static', but if you have
      a #GStaticPrivate as a member of a structure and the structure is
      freed, you should also free the #GStaticPrivate.
    • get

      public Pointer get()
      Works like g_private_get() only for a #GStaticPrivate.

      This function works even if g_thread_init() has not yet been called.
      Gibt zurück:
      the corresponding pointer
    • init

      public void init()
      Initializes @private_key. Alternatively you can initialize it with
    • set

      public void set(@Nullable Pointer data, StaticPrivate.OnDestroyNotify notify)
      Sets the pointer keyed to @private_key for the current thread and
      the function @notify to be called with that pointer (%NULL or
      non-%NULL), whenever the pointer is set again or whenever the
      current thread ends.

      This function works even if g_thread_init() has not yet been called.
      If g_thread_init() is called later, the @data keyed to @private_key
      will be inherited only by the main thread, i.e. the one that called

      @notify is used quite differently from @destructor in g_private_new().
      data - the new pointer
      notify - a function to be called with the pointer whenever the current thread ends or sets this pointer again