Klasse DevicePad

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class DevicePad extends Interface
An interface for tablet pad devices.

It allows querying the features provided by the pad device.

Tablet pads may contain one or more groups, each containing a subset
of the buttons/rings/strips available. [method@Gdk.DevicePad.get_n_groups]
can be used to obtain the number of groups, [method@Gdk.DevicePad.get_n_features]
and [method@Gdk.DevicePad.get_feature_group] can be combined to find out
the number of buttons/rings/strips the device has, and how are they grouped.

Each of those groups have different modes, which may be used to map each
individual pad feature to multiple actions. Only one mode is effective
(current) for each given group, different groups may have different
current modes. The number of available modes in a group can be found
out through [method@Gdk.DevicePad.get_group_n_modes], and the current mode
for a given group will be notified through events of type `GDK_PAD_GROUP_MODE`.


  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • getFeatureGroup

      public int getFeatureGroup(int feature, int feature_idx)
      Returns the group the given @feature and @idx belong to.

      f the feature or index do not exist in @pad, -1 is returned.
      feature - the feature type to get the group from
      feature_idx - the index of the feature to get the group from
      Gibt zurück:
      The group number of the queried pad feature.
    • getGroupNModes

      public int getGroupNModes(int group_idx)
      Returns the number of modes that @group may have.
      group_idx - group to get the number of available modes from
      Gibt zurück:
      The number of modes available in @group.
    • getNFeatures

      public int getNFeatures(int feature)
      Returns the number of features a tablet pad has.
      feature - a pad feature
      Gibt zurück:
      The amount of elements of type @feature that this pad has.
    • getNGroups

      public int getNGroups()
      Returns the number of groups this pad device has.

      Pads have at least one group. A pad group is a subcollection of
      buttons/strip/rings that is affected collectively by a same
      current mode.
      Gibt zurück:
      The number of button/ring/strip groups in the pad.
    • getTypeID

      public static long getTypeID()
    • getParentTypeID

      public static long getParentTypeID()
    • getTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getTypeSize()
    • getParentTypeSize

      public static TypeSystem.TypeSize getParentTypeSize()
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()