Class TypeInterface

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TypeInterface extends Record
An opaque structure used as the base of all interface types.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TypeInterface

      public TypeInterface(PointerContainer pointer)
    • TypeInterface

      public TypeInterface()
  • Method Details

    • getClassHandler

      public static ClassHandler getClassHandler()
    • getFieldGType

      public long getFieldGType()
    • getFieldGInstanceType

      public long getFieldGInstanceType()
    • peekParent

      public Pointer peekParent()
      Returns the corresponding #GTypeInterface structure of the parent type
      of the instance type to which @g_iface belongs. This is useful when
      deriving the implementation of an interface from the parent type and
      then possibly overriding some methods.
      the corresponding #GTypeInterface structure of the parent type of the instance type to which @g_iface belongs, or %NULL if the parent type doesn't conform to the interface
    • addPrerequisite

      public static void addPrerequisite(long interface_type, long prerequisite_type)
      Adds @prerequisite_type to the list of prerequisites of @interface_type.
      This means that any type implementing @interface_type must also implement
      @prerequisite_type. Prerequisites can be thought of as an alternative to
      interface derivation (which GType doesn't support). An interface can have
      at most one instantiatable prerequisite type.
      interface_type - #GType value of an interface type
      prerequisite_type - #GType value of an interface or instantiatable type
    • getPlugin

      public static TypePlugin getPlugin(long instance_type, long interface_type)
      Returns the #GTypePlugin structure for the dynamic interface
      @interface_type which has been added to @instance_type, or %NULL
      if @interface_type has not been added to @instance_type or does
      not have a #GTypePlugin structure. See g_type_add_interface_dynamic().
      instance_type - #GType of an instantiatable type
      interface_type - #GType of an interface type
      the #GTypePlugin for the dynamic interface @interface_type of @instance_type
    • instantiatablePrerequisite

      public static long instantiatablePrerequisite(long interface_type)
      Returns the most specific instantiatable prerequisite of an
      interface type. If the interface type has no instantiatable
      prerequisite, %G_TYPE_INVALID is returned.

      See g_type_interface_add_prerequisite() for more information
      about prerequisites.
      interface_type - an interface type
      the instantiatable prerequisite type or %G_TYPE_INVALID if none
    • peek

      public static Pointer peek(@Nonnull Pointer instance_class, long iface_type)
      Returns the #GTypeInterface structure of an interface to which the
      passed in class conforms.
      instance_class - a #GTypeClass structure
      iface_type - an interface ID which this class conforms to
      the #GTypeInterface structure of @iface_type if implemented by @instance_class, %NULL otherwise
    • getInstanceSize

      public static int getInstanceSize()