Interface TlsDatabaseClass.OnLookupCertificatesIssuedBy

Enclosing class:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public static interface TlsDatabaseClass.OnLookupCertificatesIssuedBy
  • Method Details

    • onLookupCertificatesIssuedBy

      List onLookupCertificatesIssuedBy(CallbackHandler __self, @Nonnull TlsDatabase self, @Nonnull ByteArray issuer_raw_dn, @Nullable TlsInteraction interaction, int flags, @Nullable Cancellable cancellable)
      self - a #GTlsDatabase
      issuer_raw_dn - a #GByteArray which holds the DER encoded issuer DN.
      interaction - used to interact with the user if necessary
      flags - Flags which affect the lookup operation.
      cancellable - a #GCancellable, or %NULL
      a newly allocated list of #GTlsCertificate objects. Use g_object_unref() on each certificate, and g_list_free() on the release the list.